The Austin Papers, Vol. 3


Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, October 6, 1834. Instructing Perry to take charge of his business. _______________ _______ 1 Au&tin to James F. Perry, Mexico, October 6, 1834. Judicial procedure in Mexico. Vague charges against him make defense difficult, even if his case could get to trial. Rumored in Mexico that he has many enemies in Texas. Almonte's investigation of Texas may lead to its transfer to the United States-in fact, be believes that it will be transferred within two years____________ 1 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, October 6, 1834. Slow progress of his case. Enemies in Texas and in Mexico, and the causes of their enmity. Loyalty to Mexico and benefits to the people of Texas repaid by ingratitude. Hope of. relief in the rise of Santa Anna___ __________________ 6 Ferguson, Jones and Company to James F. Perry, Philadelphia,. October 7, 1834. Statement of account. Sorry Perry is going out of business. Hard "Jackson" times ·for past year. (Omitted.)___ ________ _ ___ 8 Austin to George Fisher, Mexico, October 15, 1834. Thanking Fisher for favors and asking him to report to Perry arrival of Grayson and Jack with memorials in his behalf -------------- -----·----- 8 Austin to Thomas F. McKinney, Mexico, October 18, 1834. Deeply grateful for mission of Grayson and Jack in his behalf. Asks destruction of a letter written October 6. Robertson ColonY-----------------~----10 Edmund Andrews to James F. Perry, October 23, 1834. Concerning collection of insurance. (Omitted.)_______________________ 14 Joseph B. Heard to James F. Perry, Boston, October 24, 1834. Asking where- abouts of Samuel Maxwell. (Omitted.)____ _____________ 14 J. P. Borden to J. P. P. and Gail Borden, Goliad, October 25, 1824. Description· of the town. (Omitted.)__ _____ _ ___________ 14 Edmund Andrews to James F. Perry, October 26, 1834. Concerning collection of insurance. Wants a cook. (Omitted.) _________________ 14 Central Committee to the Public, October 28, 1834. Opposing a call issued by Political Chief Henry Smith to form a state government. (Omitted.) _____ 14 Samuel M. Williams to Austin, October 29, 1834. Rejoicing at revulsion in Austin's favor. Local political differences_________________ H James B. Miller to James F. Perry, October 31, 1834. Asking him to supervise the printing of the Central Committee's address to the public_________ 15 Thomas F. McKinney to James F. Perry, November 4, 1834. Enclosing draft of reply to "demagogues and scoundrels"------------------- 16 Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, November 6, 1834. Almonte's report on Texas has created favorable feeling for Austin. Reflections on his past policies. Faults of North American character _ _ _____ ---------~--17 Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, November 6, 1834. Business instructions. Irresponsible publications from Texas injure him. Wishes harmony in Texas __ 22 Election Returns, November 8, 1834. Brazoria vote for and against holding provisional congress at Bexar on November 15______________ 23 William H. Wharton to the Public, November 9, 1834. A card denouncing Austin. 25 Henry Austin to James F. Perry, November 14, 1834. Encloses copy of an


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