a piece signed Pedralto have done great harm very great indeed-such men deserve _severe treatment from the honest part of the community whose interest they are trifling with. You .can show my other letters to Bell, Martin, Miller W. H. Jack etc. I suppose that Williams and McKinney have gone to Monclova and for this reason I do not write· fo them If they have not gone tell them the reason I have not written to them God bless you all. I have no doubt I shall soon be at liberty Burn all my letters date 6 of last month and let no one see them. S. F. AUSTIN [Rubric]
A list of Votes taken for and against the policy of a representation to the provissional Congress to be held at Bexar 15 th Nov. 1834 taken this 8th day Nov. 1834 at Brazoria-
Against any representation
For a representation
John A. Wharton________ L. C. Mason_ Wm. B. Sweeney_ _ A. W. Breedlove J. A.H. Cleaveland_______ A. J. Harris________ C. W. Stewar~-------- R J W Rule _________ _ Chs A Betner... Sterling l\foNei~- ----- James F. Perry Wm. Lamkin Ths. J. Pilgrim F. J. Calvit.. Jos. H. Bell._________ Jno. G. McNeil____ L. H. McNeil__________ C. S. GorbiL -------- Robt. Stevenson________ Andr. Westall. J. Fessenden________ _ Ro. D. Moore.________ _ P. S. McNeil________ _ Benj. l\•lims.__________ Doct. Frk Moore_______ Joseph McGee.. Leisser Willoughby·_______ Gerrain Hines_________ Archy Hodge_ ________
For Do
Agst. Agst.-
For Do Do
Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst.
Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst. Against
Agst. Agst. Agst. Agst.
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