The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



doches. We were attracted lo each other simply by Texas sympathy-sit- ting together during the debates. I wish I could go on to Washington, now I see how much I could do. If the money comes soon enough I shall do so. All care will be necessary Texas has enemies. Unless the mission of Santa Anna should effect all. He is nearly there by this time. He was sick here a week, as you were- through severe cold. As soon as able he took carriages from Wheeling, the river being frozen-to he there in ten days. It is now the tenth. Then he would take stage. He has been heard from at Chilacothe-doing well. Gen. Jackson is reported doing well also-they will therefore meet before many days. While here he was not very accessible to visitors- I saw and conversed with him in his room-found in him all the urbanity of the perfect gentleman. Could not discover in him the cloven foot-or talk of monster any more. He spoke of you as his amigo. Complimented us a good deal-said he had seen my book etc: said Henrietta did not much resemble the ladies he saw in Texas- I replied he could not have seen many there--they had to fly before him etc: He laughed at all I said was very pleasant, as was Almonte. They promised to pass an even'g al my house with some Kentucky ladies. They did not however give me a chance. They produced quite a sensation. Our lamented friend Charlton Hunt was buried with military honors the day they arrived, which caused a concourse in the streets. He was frightened at the sight of Military supposing him- [self] the object of attention. Reports of him have gone ahead of him all the way-and people, tired of the cry of wolf, suffered hi~ to pass unmolested. God speed him and Texas.- I wrote you about Fergurson. You did not get the letters in season- Wharton passed while he was busy at Frankfort. He will probably return to Texas. Ever yours MAH. Since writing-I have a letter from Henry, 9 Dec: Some hope of the money glad affairs go on so well. Henrietta and I will go to·Washington rather than N Orleans. Emily has returned from N York- We are all very well. Have an approv'g letter from Edwards teacher-:- Best love to cousin Emily. Girls send theirs also to her and you- [Addressed:] S F Austin Texas. Care of Messrs Toby and Brothers New Orleans


Brazoria 20 th January 1837


. For some time passed I have been collecting materials for the life of the late lamented Genl. Stephen F. Austin. The task was originally under-

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