and have committed it to your charge if you know of any person that will attend to it youw ill request him to do it if you will you will do us and we hope the people of Texas a favor by attending to it get as many copies as the money will pay for which is S7O J B MILLER Prest [Addressed:] Mr James F Perry Brazoria Tejas
·[Note on hack:) Recd Hammerd Dollar....--······-·········--·--·····-··· U. S. Notes 15 ·-··-·- -··--·---- - ----······---- Eagle Money 3 18------·····-·---······------------.. l\-lexican ----····--········· ···-----····--······-··-·····--·
SIS 18
.90 18.90
62.46 3
. ....... 3
G. Harris Subscription...·-···-····•----··
Quintana 4- Nov 1834
MR JAMES F. PERRY DR SIR I enclose you a scratch of something like what I think we should join in and if it meets your views and those of your neighbours draw up one and you are hereby authorised to put my name to any thing which you are of opinion we should join in to put an end to the Demagogues and scoun- drels who wish to view and use us as mere appendages to their highness and instruments for their convenience i:nay the vengeance of heaven earth and hell fall upon them is my sincere prayer THOM.,s F McKINNEY [Rubric] We most cordially consent to bear the part [you] suggested for prin 1 ing the Col• letter and the reply of the Central Committe to Govr· Smith's proclamation McK AND WILLIAMS [Rubric] [Addressed:] Mr James F Perry Peach point
We the undersigned resident Citizens of the former Jurisdiction of Bra- zoria (now Columbia) seeing as we concieve our most sacred and ines- timable rights and privileges usurped and sentiments expressed upon our responsibility to which we do not nor did we ever subscribe deem it our duty no longer to permit a few aspiring ambitious demagogues to use our
1 This document seems to be in McKinney's writing.
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