to be square with the world and with mankind tho that is difficult for they owe me much more than I do them- When_I am dead they will pay- they never pay the living Remember me to Sarah Mr. Scott,.and to all others- My enemies are quite welcome to all the tryumph and all the pleasure which they can derive from my unfortunate and persecuted situation, one that I have brought on myself by my honest efforts to serve them as well as every body else-- The day will come if honesty has not abandoned the earth when they will meet with their reward from public opinion- As for me I shall die, as I expect to do in prison and under persecution, but with a clear and quiet conscience-- Remember me to Raml>n Musquis I shall always respect him and also Victor Blanco- nothing in my favor need be sent to Lombardo the present minister My only hope now is the expected change of politics, govt. or system, or something, that all look for in JanY· next- If that change gives Santanna absolute power or extra facultades I shall be set at liberty- I think also that Alaman will then come into office and if so I shall be set at liberty- he is my friend and he is an honest man as well as an able one- you are all prosperous and safe in Texas because you are far removed from the convulsions •of this distracted country-you are all far beyond the reach of harm-may you be so for ever and rise in prosperity and happi- ness. s. F. AUSTIN. P. D. remember me to H. Austin and show him this. request him to write to H. Meigs and to thank him for his kindness in my favor it how- ever has availed me nothing as yet but I hope may when the expected change takes place in JanY· you must not write to this place all is per- verted against me--evel"3/thing.
[Philadelphia, October 7, 1834. See Calendar.]
Mexico, October 15, 1834.
MR. GEO. FISHER Dr. Sir, I sincerely congratulate you on the appointment you have recd in the custom house of Matamoros, and hope you may long continue to enjoy prosperity and peace, The experience of the last few years has taught me a great deal-I have
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