Mexico October 6 1834
I wish you to take charge of all my pecuniary interests and business in conformity with the power of attorney I sent you in May_and June last. Call on S. M. Williams for all my papers, notes due me and accounts in his possession, or other properly, my <lesk trunks etc and this letter will be your authority for so doing and I wish Williams to give you all the aid he can in finishing and closing all my affairs and you will take possession of all my property and manage it the best you can for my benefit and advantage. I sent you two miniatures in JanY last from Monterey and two books, Zavalas history of Mexico, and some garden seeds which I hope you have recd. I gave them to Horace Allsherry to be deliverd by him to Peter and Joseph Powell who were at Pilon' Love to sister Emily and all the children to Eliza 2 and Phillips 3 and little Stephen 4 -keep them at school--remember me to H. Austin and his family. I know not when I shall be at liberty. there is no more prospect now than there was nine months ago. I am of the opinion you may look on me as dead for a long time to come. I wish you all peace and happi- ness. Your affectionate brother STEPHEN F. AUSTIN [Rubric] Remember me to H. Austin and all others. [Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry near Brazoria Care of Somerville or Moses Austin Bryan San Felippe de Austin AUSTIN TO JAMES F. PERRY [From the Williams Papers. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas.] Prison of the Deputation, or Carcel de Ciudad, October 6 1834- Confidential DR BROTHER. I was removed to this prison on the 19th ultimo, and for the first time since my arrest. more than nine months, an investigation of my case has ' 1 See Austin to Peter and Joseph Powell, January 18, 1834. For reproductions of the miniatures, see Barker, The Life of Stephen F. A11.stin, 450, 456. ::Austin's sister-in-law, the widow of James E. Il. Austin. 3 Eliza Austin's second husband. 4Austin's nephew, the son of James E. B. Au~tin.
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