The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

Austin to James F. Perry, December 18, 1836. Value of shrubbery. Sends seeds and plants ______ _________ _____477 William G. Hill to Austin, December 20, 1836. Asking his support for an office. (Omitted.) ·---------··----··---··---··· ____________477 .Stock certificate, December 20, 1836. Texas Rail Road, Navigation and Banking Company ___________ ··--------------···----477 George W. Poe to ---, December 28, 1836. Order for military funeral for Austin ········-···············--··---··--··----·---···---------·-····-···--·-478 Elias R. Wightman (December 31, 1836). Deposition concerning Austin's landholdings -------·-·-···-··-····-···--····-·--·--·· -·-·---------·------·--4il) Barnard E. Bee to Austin, Lexington, January l, 1837, Santa Anna's progress toward Washington____ ____ ______________480 Mary Austin Holley to Austin, Lexington, January 14, 1837. Account of the passage of resolution by the Kentucky Senate Tequesting recognition of Texan independence ···------------------ ___________480 Mirabeau B. Lamar to Gail Borden, Jr., January 20, 1837. Tribute to Austin. Asks help in collecting material for a biography of Austin_________482 James F. Perry, et al., to the Public [no date]. Preparation to gather material for a biography of Austin___________________________ ____ 484


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