The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

Austin to G. W. Hockley and B. E. Bee, November 25, 1836. Instructions for conduct in Washington, when they arrive with Santa Anna_··-··-····---··-······-461 James Cochran to Austin, November 25, 1836. Bill. (Omitted.) ___________462 qeorge B. McKinstry to Austin, November 25, 1836. Bill of Sale to a negro..__462 Austin and Barnard E. Bee, November 25, 1836. Contract for sale of land. (Omilled, but see text for summary.)_·-·---- • .462 William H. -Wharton to Austin, New Orleans, November 28, 1836. Mission to United States. Financial difficulty. (Omiued, but see text.) ____.____.462 J. W. Ross and Brother to Austin, New Orleans, November 28, 1836. Financial conditions. (Omitted.) ··- - - - - · · - - - -·-· --·- · --------·-462 Daniel E. Colton to Austin, November 29, 1836. Concerning land title. (Omit- ted.) ________________________462 William H. W11arton to Austin, New Orleans, November 30, 1836. Finances. Public opinion would approve liberation of Santa Anna. African slave trade must be crushed __________________________462 Geographical notes by Austin, November 30, 1836.._._ - - - -·- -·-···-462 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, December l, 1836. Mexican government subsidizes the Echo of Louisiana. Texas should support the Correo Atlantico as a counter. It would give Texas standing in Europe. (Omitted.) --·-·------ -··4b3 William H. Wharton to Austin, New Orleans, December l, 1836. Recommending George Fisher for consulshiP------------------···---·463 Draft of Proclamation against Slave Trade, about December 1, 1836____.___463 Austin to James F. Perry, December 2, 1836. Provision for education of nephews. Slavery -·-·--·--------- __________·----······-·.464 Austin to M. B. Lamar, December 5, 1836. Details of his relations with Robert- son's Colony ---·---______________ ------·- ----465 R. Salmon to Austin, December 7, 1836. His services to Texas in New York. Wants land for twenty colonists_________.__________470 James Morgan to Austin, December 7, 1836. Sending him some oranges grown on his place__. _______________ _ ___ 472 Austin, Archer, et al., December 13, 1836. Forming the Texas Rail Road Navigation and Banking Companr------- _________472 George .W. Poe to Austin, December 10, 1836. Suggesting issue of Treasury notes ---------"---- __________ _..473 Austin to Merle and Company, December 13, 1836. Certain drafts.----···-·-·-474 Austin to Paris, Gasquet and Company, December 13, 1836. Concerning drafts_474 Austin tq John P. Austin, December 12, 1836. Arranging certain payments__475 Austin to Perry, December 13, 1836. Buying a horse. Land husiness......._._476 Austin to William H. Wharton, December 14, 1836. Authorizing him to draw quarterly on treasury department for salary. (Omitted.) _____.____ 476 Austin to Henry Smith, Der.ember 14, 1836. Instructing him to honor Wharton's drafts for salary. (Omitted.) ------------ ----·----476 Austil\ to Fairfax Catlett, December 14, 1836. Authorizing him to draw for sal- ary. (Omitted.) ---------------------- 476 David G. Burnet to Austin, December 15, 1836. Expecting to build on Buffalo . Bayou. (Omiued.) _________ ·------· ________476 Sam Houston to the Public, December 15, 1836. Recalling all special commis~ sioners from the United States. (Omitted.) __________._______476 William W. Alsbury to Austin, December 17, 1836. Sending him -seeds and· cuttings ._. _ _ _ 4;7


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