The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

George C. Childress to Austin, Louisville, October 28, 1836. Expects Jackson soon to recognize Texas. (Omitted.) ____________________________441 Sam Houston to Austin, October 28, 1836. Announcing confirmation of his a.11pointment as Secretary of State. (Omitted.)_____ -----··-·--·-·441 . Austin to Joseph Ficklin, October 30, 1836. Conditions in Texas. Explaining why no more volunteers are needed -----------------"441 Austin to Houston, October 31, 1836. Accepting appointment to State Depart- ment ____ _________ -----·------------------··-·-·········444 P. W. Grayson to Austin, ·Louisville, November 3,. 1836. Thinks Jackson will delay recognition of Texas. Embarrassment caused by close relation between recognition and annexation. Thinks best way would be for United States to quiet the Mexican claim --·--··-- _______ ______ _____445 Austin to S. M. Wi1liams, Columbia, November 3, 1836. Urging him to return. Reconciliation ________________ _ ______________446 Santa Anna to Austin, November 5, 1836. Explaining why he desires to visit Washington if released by the Texans._______________ ____ 44i Samuel Swartwout to Austin, November 7, 1836. Advising sale of Texan land for any price it will bring to pay debts of the government. (Omitted.} -·-···-······-448 Austin to Henry Meigs, November 7, 1836. Suggesting methods fo negotiation with Santa Anna to quiet the Mexican claim to Texas and make way for annexa- tion. Views on Texan boundary with Mexico--··--··-·-···---···-·---·-··-·---····448 Austin to Mrs. M. A. Holley, Columbia, November 7, 1836. Harmony. Condi- tions improving. Ill health. Accepted State DepartmenL----·--:-···--··-·-·--·452 James Col1insworth to Austin, November 8, 1836. Satisfied that annexation may take place at once_________ -------------· _______452 Austin to Senor Paduani, November 8, 1836. Receipt for a letter addressed to Santa Anna. (Omitted.} ___________ ---- --- __ 453 Austin to James F. Perry, November 11, 1836. Suggesting certain investments_.453 William Heyle to Austin, Philadelphia, November 18, 1836. Hopes to settle in Texas. Inquiring for Edmond Morris. (Omitted.)_ ____ --- 454 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, November 18, 1836. Sending his family to Texas. Biographical items. (Omitted.) _____________...... ____4.54 Austin to Tho~as 0. Meaux and James W. Breedlove, November 19, 1836. Assuring them of t~e governn1ent's intention to act liberally in settlement of the first loan _____ ··------···· -------------- 454 Austin to Thomas H. Benton, .November 19, 1836. Terms on which Texas wishes annexation ___ ---- ---- ----------4$1' Austin to Toby and Brother, November 19, 1836. Order for $5,000 for William H. Wharton. (Omitted.) ________________________456 Austin to William H, Wharton, November 19, 1836. Authorizing draft on Toby and Brother. (Omitted.) ------- ··-------·-···--····--·456 Austin to Thomas Toby and Brother, November 19, 1836. Order for supplies__456 Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, November 20, 1836. Release of Santa Anna. Annexation _______ ____ _____ --------- 457 Austin to President Houston, November 21, 1836. Recommending translation and publication of Filisola's report of the Mexican campaign in Texas_____458 Mary Austin Holley to Austin, Lexington, November 22, 1836. Suggesting lobby in Washington to work for annexation of Texas_______________________458 Austin to Thomas H. Benton, November 25, 1836. Santa Anna's visit to Wash- ington ____ _________ ______ ______.4GQ


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