The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

William Henry Austin •to Austin, Montgomery, September 9, 1836. Explaining why he has not gone to Texas. (Omitted.)---·-·-·-· ·430 Mary R. Harrison to Austin, North Bend, Ohio, September 13, ·1836. Concerning a land claim. (Omitted.)_____ • ______ ____ ____430 William G. Hill to Austin, September 17, 1836. Asking loan of Vatel's Laws_. of Nations. (Omitted.) ······-··- ·- -- ____ ------····---····-·430 Edmund Andrews to Austin, September 17, 1836. Sending supplies. (Omitted.) _431 Gail Borden, Jr., to Austin, September 19, 1836. Concerning the land business; papers from Nacogdoches_____ _ _______________431 Zacheus Hamlin to Austin, New Orleans, September 21, 1836. A citizen of Massachusetts, he wishes to settle in Texas. Political advice. (Omitted.) ____431 Thomas W. Ward to Austin, New Orleans, September 24, 1836. Introducing Zacheus Hamlin. (Omitted.) ___ _____ ----·--·-····--·-·431 William Stafford to Austin, Grand Gulf, Miss., September 28, 1836. His mis- fortunes in Texas. (Omitted.>----·---·--·-·-------··--·-·--431 George P. Digges to Austin, September 28, 1836. Reporting mission to General Gaines _________________ ·--··---· ___ _432 John Dillon to Austin, Zanesville, Ohio, October 4, 1'836. Inquiring concerning iron works in Texas. (Omitted.) .___. - - ----·-·-··---433 Thomas M. Duke to Austin, October 5, 1836. Asking for an office of "Trust or Profit." (Omitted.) ______________ ---·-·- ---··---43:l William C. Preston to Austin, South Carolina, October 6, 1836. Introducing Benjamin Johnston. (Omitted.) ____ ___ ······-·-·- ·433 Henry Austin to Austin, New Orleans, October 7, 1836. Low credit of Texas_ 433 Henry Austin to Austin, New Orleans, October 10, 1836. Suggesting compromise: with Texas creditors. Texas in English parliament. Financial crisis in the United States _ ---------- --·-----·-·----------·--434 Israel McGready to James F. Perry, Potosi, Mo., October 12, 1836. Perry's business in Missouri. (Omitted.)___ -----·------ 4:l:i Austin to S. M. Williams, October 12, 1836. Heartbroken because cannot accept Williams' explanation of land speculation__________ __. ___.4 35 George L. Kinnard to Austin, Indianapolis, October 12, 1836. Wishing Texas well. (Omitted.) ______________ ---··----436 Thomas 0. Meaux to Austin, New Orleans, October 1_4, 1836. Concerning the first Texas loan in New Orleans. (Omitted.)____ ------·-···--··-436 Samuel Swartwout to Austin, New York, October 19, 1836. Introducing H. W. Robinson. (Omitted.) • ___4.;16 Nathaniel Cox to Austin, New Orleans, October 20, 1836. land and slaves of the J. H. Hawkins estate_______________ ___,_436 S. H. Everett (acting for Texas Senate) to Austin, October 21, 1836. Asking for copies of all Austin's contracts with Mexican state and federal governments, number of families introduced, and amount of land granted. (Omitted.) _.__.__437 Austin to S. H. Everett, October 22, 1836. Engaged on report of his land business, which wili take much time and labor____ _ _ _ ______437 Austin to James F. Perry, October 25, 1836. Santa Anna's visit to Washington. Expects annexation. Speculations of McKinney and Williams_________438 Fairfax Catlett to Austin, October 27, 1836. Seeking appointment in state department. (Omitted.) ______________ ______ _ _439 William B. Lewis to (Austin?), Washington, October 27, 1836. Giving Jackson's views on release of Santa Anna _ ____ _ ___________.439


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