General E. P. Gaines to Austin, Camp Sabine, August 4, 1836. No authority to guarantee Treaty of Velasco. Would use good offices if requested by Mexican and Texan military commanders jointly_ _______________________________ 410 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, August 4, 1836. Personal items about Fisher. Desire for appointment in Texan service. Mexican news. (Omitted.) _ .411 James W. Breedlove to B. T. Archer, New Orleans, August 4, 1836. Hoping that Austin will be elected president. (Omitted.) _ ________________411 Austin to the Telegraph and Texas Resister, Columbia, August 4, 1836. Announc- ing candidacy for the presidency_____________________ _ ____411 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, August 5, 1836. Opposed to releasing Santa Anna. Suggests plan for conquest of Matamoras and northeastern states. Importance of sustaining the Correo Atlantico. (Omitted.)________ _ ___412 Austin lo Thomas J. Rusk, August 9, 1836. Explaining his attitude toward Santa Anna's release and disclaiming interest in Williams's land speculations__412 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, August 13, 1836. Opposition in United States to Texan blockade of Matamoras. Asking aid (or the Correo' Atlantico. (Omitted.) ____________ ____________________ 415 Austin to W. S. Archer, August 15, 1836. Offering Archer the office of Secretary of State if he is elected president of Texas. Wants his influence to work for annexation ______ _ _________________________ ________ ___ ___________ 415 A. de 0. Santangelo to Austin, New Orleans, August 15, 1836. Announcing suspension of the Correo Atlantico and discussing the mission of the paper llllld its sad history. Only seventy-one subscribers. (Omitted.) _________ 417 Gail Borden, Jr., to Austin, August 15, 1836. Telling Austin that people think he was implicated in land speculations,--,----------------417 Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., August (20?), 1836. Denies implication in land speculations, reviews past services for Texas. Became candidate by request, and u:i hope ·or sen~ing the country. Personally indifferent whether elected or not._4]8 W. L. Hodge to Austin. New Orleans, August 22, 1836. Asking about William Hemphill of Philadelphia. Thinks possibly with Fannin. (Omitted.)______ _ .421 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, August 23, 1836. Services of the Correo Atlantico _____ _____ _____ _ ________421 Samuel Ellis to Austin, New York, August 23, 1836. Texan creditl in the United States low. Speculation has spoiled sale for land______ ______ ...421 William McNair to Austin, New York, August 24, 1836. Asking information about his brother ---··--·------------------------- ···-··-···--- ·---- .423 Samuel M. Williams to Austin, New Orleans, Au\ust 29, 1836. Declaring keen regard for Austin's good name, denying that he has done anything to tarnish it, and suggesting that Austin's enemies are. gaining his confidence to ruin him___424 Robert Triplett to Austin, August 31, 1836. Misunderstanding concerning first loans to Texas. Able argument for the lenders. (Omitted.) ____________________426 Joseph Ficklin to Austin, Lexington, Ky., August -·, 1836. Popular attitude toward Texas despondent. Confidence in Housto·n. Santa Anna must not be killed ------·-----·-··---- _ _ ____________________426 Austin to James F. Perry, September 2, 1836. Thinks he will not be elected president. Instructs Perry to build him an office where he can wind up the land business ----------------------------------428 James Morgan to Samuel Swartwout, September 5, 1836. Presenting him with Santa Anna's tent, in recognition of services to Texas,____________429 Edmund Andrews to Austin, September 8, 1836. The body politic "only right by accident" , .------·---- ________ 430 xx:xi
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