The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

John A. Wharton to Austin, July 10, 1836. Asking for an appointment to see him -··--·- -- - ··---- - - ---····---·-·...--------·- ···-·····--·395 William Bryan to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, New Orleans, July 11, 1836. Asking for land in Texas. Cl'Cdit injured by Texas cabineL--···-··-··-···--·----395 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, July 11, 1836. Thinks Jackson about to declare war on Mexico. (Omitted.) __._ _____ --·--··--···-·--··-396 A. de 0. Santangelo to Austin, New Orleans, July 12, 1836. Value of a news- paper published in Spanish to the Texan cause. Wants help in maintaining the Correo Atlantico. Forty years of "Revolutionary life in Europe and four in Mexico." History of the Correo A tla11tico. ( Omitted.) ··---·-··..•···-....................._ ...396 W. P. Hill to Austin, Hartford, Conn., July 15, 1836. Explaining cancellation of his authority lo negotiate a half million dollar loan to Texas-·-·---..- ··-····- 396 John A. Rogers to Austin, East Tennessee, July 17, 1836. Texas will he filled with volunteers if Mexicans invade again-thirty or forty thousand, and if they "start they will not stop in Texas." (Omitted.)_..- - - -- - ··----·--·- ----397 J. B. Chance to Austin, July 17, 1836. Concerning payment for surveying. "Greate distress in having to run from our homes.. .. Campaign after campaign ever since last fall." Funds exhausted. (Omitted.> - - -- - - - - -- ··- - 397 James W. Breedlove to Austin, New Orleans. Introducing Henry M. Morfit, Jackson's special agent to report. on conditions in Texas. (Omitted.) __.............- 397 George L. Hammeken to Austin, New· Orleans, July 18, 1836. News from Mexico. Does not believe Texas will be invaded. (Omitted.) _ .....- -··..········- ·····- 398 George L. Hammeken to Austin, New Orleans, July 18, 1836. Application for land. Plans to introduce French grape growers................- .....- ..- ...- ............ ............ 398 Memorandum by Austin, July 20, 1836. Conversation with Archer and William H. Wharton, who urged him to become candidate for presidenCY-····---····..·····.. 399 Archer Austin, and Wharton to Burnet, July 21, 1836. Report of their mission to the United States. Financial statement ........ ..........- .....- ..... ........................ ..... 399 William Bryan to Austin, New Orleans, July 23, 1836. Embarrassments caused by action of the Texan govemment- - --- - -- ·---..- .........- ..........·- ·····- ·401 B. T. Archer to John T. Mason, July 23, 1836. Concerning authorship of Edward's History of Te:cas- . -...- -....- -..- · - -···-•- -..····..-···-- ·...- .................... 402 Austin to General E. P. Gaines, July 27, 1836. Explaining motives of his letter to .President hckson, July 4. His devotion to Texas. Criticised for advising release of Santa Anna______ _ ___ ---- ·-·-···-..--·--·-·-·-·- 403 James Ramage to Austin, N'!WOrleans, July 27, 1836. Texas free of danger from Mexico. International aspect of the situation_____ _ __________ .405 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, July 28, 1836. Giving encouraging re• ports from Mexico_ ____.__...___..___ _ _____ • 406 John P. Austin to ,Austin, New York, July 29, 1-836. Conditions in 1\-lexico. Texas dinner in New York. Reports of statements of Senator Preston concerning Texas _________ ·--- - ..---..-·--·-·..____407 James Treat to Austin, New York, July 30, 1836. Concerning Texan loan in New York ------------ - ----·---- ·----·----·409 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, July 30, 1836. Mexican news. Asks for Texan consulship at New Orleans. Wants to move family to the Zavala Colony next "fall. Importance of Correo Atlantico. (Om.iuod.) ________410 J. ·w. E. Wallace to Thomas J. Rusk, July -, 1836. Reporting Indian depre- dations. Cattle. (Omitted.)_________ _ _ ___ 410 John Merry to Austin, August 3, 1836. Wanting to buy land. (Omitted.) __41(!


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