William H: Jack to Austin, May 27, 1836. Recalling him from the United States. (Omitted, but see text.) ___,________________ ___360 William H. Wharton to Austin, Washington, May 28, 1836. Shocked .to hear that Houston opposes annexation. Anxious to get home and talk to him before • opinions become fixed. Present senate favorable to annexation· and so is J ackson_..360 James Hamilton to Austin, Charleston, May 31, 1836. Introducing Barnard E. Bee. (Omiued.) ____ ---------------------------361 Mary Austin Holley to Austin, Lexington, June l, 1836. Invites Austin to come and (encourage?) "emigrants." His flag painted on silk. Four hundred or 500 , meri ready to go to Texas________ ____________________ ,361 John M. McCalla to Austin, Lexington, June 1, 1836. Introducing Major Horatio Grooms. (Omitted.) ·-·---:----·---···-------------'363 Joseph Ficklin to Austin, Lexington, June 2, 1836. Commending his brother- in-law, Major Grooms. Served in War of 1812, under Colonel Anthony Butler. Selected by Texas committee for detachment from Lexington. (Omitted.) ___ ,363 William H. Wharton to Austin, Washington, ·June 2, 1836. Account of a visit to Jackson _____ • _____ 363 A. J. Yates to Austin, Schenectady, June 3, 1836. Failure to hold meeting at Troy. War stores____________ .------ ···-----···--·---·--------- _365 Joseph Ficklin to Austin, Lexington, Jurie 4, 1836. Introducing two "emigrants." "Suit of colours" presented to "Texan emigrants" yesterday. Vast meeting of military of the city and citizens. (Omitted.) ____ _ __________ __ ____366 Edwin Bryant to Austin, Lexington, June 5, 1836. Executive commiuee has fitted out Colonel E. I. Wilson's force at cost of several thousand dollars. Volun- teers from Lexington and the northern counties of Kentucky. (Omitted.) 366 Thomas Jefferson Chambers to Ira R. Lewis, Nashville, June 10, 1836. Concern- ing a negotiation. No details given. (Omitted.)-·----- -----·- ___ ___ 366 Austin to David G. Burnet, New Orleans, June 10, 1836. Believes the United States will recognize Texas if officially informed of conditions. (Omitted, but see text.) _____________ -- - --- ---·- · -- --·----------- --36-S A. de 0. Santangelo to Austin, New Orleans, June 11, 1836. Receipt for sub- scription to Correo Atlantico. (Omitted.) ___________ __ ________ ,366 R. Salmon to Austin, New Orleans, June 16, 1836. Reciting his work for two years past in furthering interest of Western New York in Texas. Many settlers wish to emigrate, and want land_____ ______ 366 J. Delaup to Austin, New Orleans, June 16, 1836. Receipt for subscrip(ion to the Bee._ (Omitted.)____________________ 367 J. W. Collins lo Austin, June 17, 1836. Bill __ _ ..=___________________,367 List of supplies for Austin, New Orleans, June 18, 1836. _____ ____367 James Maya and Company to Austin, New Orleans, June 18, 1836. BilJ _ _ _ 368 William Bryan to Austin, New Orleans, June 20, 1836. Texan finances_______ 369 Robert Peebles to Austin, New .Orleans, June 23, 1836. Mexican news_..______ 369 Citizens of Texas in New Orleans to Memucan Hunt, June 23, 1836. Urging him to hasten enJistments for Texas. No signatures. (Omitted.) _ ______ 370 R. Semple to Austin, Williamsburg, June 26, 1836. Concerning a company of "emigrants" ____________ _______ ________ 370 Austin to Henry Austin, June 27, 1836. Wants all who hear his name to remain in Texas pending the final struggle with Mexico. Requests copy of treaty with' Santa Anna after San Jacinto________ ___ _______ .371
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