M. R. Wigginton, to Colonel Lewis, Louisville, April 22, 1836. Volunteers for Texas __ ___ ··----------·-·····----------337 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to A. J. Yates, New York, April 23, 1836. Suspend- ing purchase of steamboat._____________________ _ _ ____ 333 A. J. Yates lo Austin, Archer, and Wharton, New York, April 23, 1836. State- ment of expenses -----------------------·-·····--·:._··---------'339 Austin to William Bryan, New York, April 24, 1836. Complaining of uller neglect of Texan government to communicate with commissioners____ ____ 34() William Bryan to Andrew Mitchell, New Orleans, April 27, 1836. Receipt for brass cannon ----·-----··---- _________________ _ ______3'Jl Austin to [David G. Burnet], New York, April 30, 1836. Statements of em- barrassment of commissioners by failure of the Texan government lo correspond with them .. ____ ····-·----------- _ _______________341 Subscriptions to a Texan loan, New York, April _ , 1836_ ______________ 342 John Leadbeuer to Austin, Archer, and Wharton. Philadelphia, May 2, 1836. Sending a contribution for Texas ····---- ---- ·--···--- ____ _ __344 City Hotel ·to Austin, New York, May 3, 1836. BilL. _ _______34,I Austin to Senator L. F. Linn, New York, May 4, 1836. Appealing for aid for Texas from the United States._________ _ ___________ ,3-14 Zacharie & Company to Austin, New Orlellns, May 5, 1836. Selling eleven leagues of land in Texas for Father Muldoon______________________________________________348 John Martin Duffield to Austin, Wheeling, May 5, 1836. Transmilling informa- tion from Texas. (Omitted.)_______________ • ___ _ __349 Lucas Van Buskirk to Austin, Seneca Falls, May 5, 1836. Asking how a company of "emigrants" can reach Texas from New York_ ___________ _ ____ .349 E. B. Birdsall to Austin, Fort Wood, N. Y., May 9, 1836. Sends Austin pro- ceedings of a pro-Texas meeting at Seneca Falls__ ______ _ _____ 350 Austin and Wharton Lo A. J. Yates, New York, May 9, 1836. Appointing him Lo accept donations and to enlist "emigrants" for Texas_____ _ ______ 350 A. J. Yates Lo Austin, Albany, May 10, 1836. -Wanting Mexican Constitution of 1824 and the revision by Santa Anna. Has large list of names signed to call for a meeting. (Omitted.) ___ _ ____ ______ _ __________ 351 A. J. Yates to Austin, Schenectady, May 14, 1836. Good meeting at Albany, but strong counter current due to Van Buren politics. Could send 2000 "emigrants" to Texas on certain conditions______ ____ -------- -----,....351 Austin and Wharton to James Treat, Washington, May 16, 1836. Reporting capture of Santa Anna. Stop negotiation for loan; better terms now obtainable. (Omitted.) -------···---·-···---------·-------____ _ _ _ 353 J. L. Joseph to Austin, New York, May 18, 1836. Easy to get loan in New York. Houston's victory confirmed. (Omitted.)________________ ___ 3::;3 William Austin to Austin, Lowell, Mass., May 18, 1836. Suggests diversion on west coast of Mexico. Asks terms for well manned privateer. People of New England will support Texas when they understand that it is struggling for repub- lican government and religious toleration. ___ ___ _ _______353 [James Treat?] to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, New York (about May 20, 1836). Offering muskets -----···----··-··----·---····----··---- ____ 355 Austin, Archer, and Wharton, May 24, 1836. Statement of funds received in New York ___ _ ______ ____________357 Association for relief of Texan sufferers, New York, May 24, 1836. Donations-359 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to subscribers to a loan in New York, May 24, 1836. Receipt for ten thousand dollars.- ---- ________ ,360 :xxvii
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