A Hotchkiss to Thomas H. Avery, San Augustine, March 2, 1836. Introducing Ira R. Lewis and T. J. Chambers who go to the United States in interest of Texas. Avery was at Natc~toches. (Omittea.)__________ _ ____317 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Governor of Texas, Nashville, March 3, 1836. (Omitted, but see text.)_ ___ ·------ --------·-·-··--·· - - - -·- 317 Austin to James F. Perry, Louisville, l\'larch 4, 1836. Harmony of the com- missioners. Popular opinion friendly in United States.....·-- -·-··-·· ··-··- -····-·-317 Henry Austin to James F. Perry, March 5, 1836. Advising Perry to send his family to New Orleans. Fear of Negroes and Indian~. Military plans_···--·- - 313 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to William Bryan, Washington, March 31, 1836. Plans for raising funds. Capitalists awaiting action of the convention on inde- pendence -------· --- -----·-··--- -----·-·····---··---··········-------319 Austin to J. M. Wolfe, Washington, March 31, 1836. Instructions for raising sympathy for Texas____ ·-------·--··- ----····----··--·-··-- 320 Henry Austin to Asa Brigham and J. S. D. Byrom (New Orleans), March 31, 1836. Neglect of its financial agents by the government. Naval policy.__ _ _320 A. J. Yates to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, Washington, April l, 1836. Report- ing purchase of steamboat.. --- --- ·- --- ---··--······-·-··-··-·-·--323 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Stewart Sewell (about April l, 1836). Appoint- ing him Texan agent for Philadelphia. (Omitted.>---·-··---·········---···--325 Austin, Archer, and Wharton. Agreement authorizing each other to negotiate loans separately, Washington, April 5, 1836·-- - --·-- - ·····-·-····-·-325 William H. Wharton to Austi.n, Washington, April 6, 1836. Party at Mr. Cal- houn's. Much enthusiasm for Texas-- - - --- ----·--·-···-·--·---·-325 Archer, Austin, and Wharton to Texan Government, Washington, April 6, 1836. Complaining of lack of official information and authority. (Omitted, but see text.) . _______ ··--- - ·---------···--··-··-- --326 William H. Wharton to Austin, Washington, April 7, 1836. Reporting news from Texas---·---···-- ·- - - -- ·--··--·---·-···-·-- --326 James F. Perry to Austin, April 8, 1836. Fleeing before Mexican army_ __,326 Draft of letters to Nicholas Biddle, Philadelphia, April 9, 1836. Concerning Texan loan________ ________ _ _ ___ 327 Austin to Nicholas Biddle, Philadelphia, April 9, 1836. Proposal for loan on Texan bonds ________ _____ _ _____ _ _ ____ 328 Austin and Wharton to American Hotel, New York, April 11, 1836. Bill _ ___330 Robert T. Conrad to Austin, Philadelphia, April 12, 1836. Sympathy for Texas._.331 R. M. Johnson to Austin, Washington, April 14, 1836. •Does not know where to get money for Texas·-----·---·-···-- -·-·---·-··-··-- ····-·---3..'H Austin to Andrew Jackson, et al., New York, April 15, 1836. Ask.ing for a loan for Texas from surplus revenue of the United States--··---·-·-·- -·-··----332 Henry F. Evans to Austin, Snow Hill, Md., April 17, 1836. Offering military service. Served as lieutenant of light artillery in War of 1812. (Omitted.) ·-- ····333 W. P. Smith, et al., to Austin, Philadelphia, April 20, 1836. Inviting him-to meet with Texas Committee of the city_ _ _ __ _ __ 334 Proceedings of a pro-Texas meeting at Lexington, Ky., April 20, 1836.- (Omitted, but see text.)__________ __ _ _ ____ ______ _334, Proposals for a Joan to Texas, New York, April 20, 1836__ _____ ___ 334, Mary Austin Holley to Austin, April 21, 1836. Desc~ibing Texas meeting at Lexington, Ky. ------------------ ------ 335 Henry Goold Shannon to General Vital Fernandez, Matamoras, April 22, 1836. Reporting movements from United States to Texas._ ____ __ _ _ .336 xxvi
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