Austin and Archer to Smith, New Orleans, January 20, 1836. Report of work of the commission. Urging declaration of independence. (Omitted, but see text.) _ 300 Austin to Thomas F. McKinney, New Orleans, January 21, 1836. Loans effected: Urges independence and harmony at home__________________________308 W. Richardson to Austin, New Orleans, January 21, .1836. Order for medical supplies -----------------·-----·--·-------· . --·- ·- ·····---310 Financial statement of Austin, Archer, and Wharton, January 21, 1836.._____310 Austin and Archer to William Bryan, New Orleans, January 24, 1836. lnstruct- izing him to honor draft of A. J. Yates for $5,000. (Omitted.)___ ____312 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to A. J. Yates, New Orleans, January 21, 1836. Authority to negotiate loan in New York or Boston-$500,000 for twenty years; interest payable annually, but rate not stated; mortgage on a million acres of land for security. (Omitted.) ____ ________________ 312 A. C. Allen to William Bryan, agent of the Texan government, New Orleans, January 22, 1836. Contract by Allen to sell schooner Brutus for $15,000 within two days after arrival from New York. (Omitted.) _________________312 Bank of Orleans to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, January 22, 1836. Concerning deposits. Will accept at par any moneys deposited in certain correspondent banks. (Omitted.) ···------- - ··----··-- -----· _________.312 Austin to J. M. Wolfe, New Orleans, January 22, 1836. Appointing him to negotiate loans for Texas____ ______ __ ______ _____312 Austin and Archer to Governor Henry Smith, January 24, 1836. Authorize Colonel Owings to draw on William Bryan for 55,000 in payment of supplies for volunteers. (Omitted.) ···-----··-··-----·--- ___________.313 Austin and Archer to William Bryan, New Orleans, January 24, 1836. Instruct- ing him to furnish supplies to order of Colonel Owings to value of $5,000. (Omitted.) ___ _____ _______ ___ ______ 313 Henry L. Webb to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, Caledonia, III., February 1, 1836. Will raise two companies of volunteers_______ ______ ____312 S. Rhoads Fisher to Gail Borden, Jr., February 9, 1836. Recommending Davis D. Baker for commission of major. Distinguished himself at Concepcion. (Omit- ted.) -········-··---------- ··--··-----···---·------·-·----31i Austin to T. D. Owings, Nashville, February 12, 1836. Explaining bounty offer to volunteers. Attitude of Tennessee toward Texas. (Omitted, but see text.) ___313 R. C. Hancock to Austin, Archer, and Wharton [Nashville?], February 13, 1836. Introducing "emigrants." (Omitted.)_________ __ __ _ ___ 313• Austin to Henry Austin, Nashville, February 14, 1836: Great enthusiasm for independence of Texas___ _____ ______ ______314 H. J. Offutt to Austin, Mexico, February 15, 1836. Movements of Mexicans against Texas --···--- _________ ---- ____________315 Austin to Mrs. M. A. Holley, Nashville, February 16, 1836. Great enthusiasm for Texas. Ladies of Nashville agree to arm and equip a company of volunteers_316 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Smith, Nashville, February 16, 1836. (Omitted, but see text_-) -----------------·------·---------316 Austin to Smith, Nashville, February 18, 1836. (Omitted, but see text.) ____316 Thomas F. McKinney to Austin, New Orleans, February 22, 1836. Cannot follow Austin in support of independence. Has lost all confidence in him____,316 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Smith, Nashville, February 24, 1836. (Omitted, but see text.) _ __ -·---··------ ___ _ __317
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