The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

24, 1835. Accepting a patient. Anson Jones to James F. Perry, December (Omitted.) -----------"292 Austin to R. R. Royall, Dece!Ilher 25, 1835. Bitterly opposing methods used by Wharton and others to promote independence___ ___ _ _ __2q4 Austin to James F. Perry, December 25, 1835. Business instructions. Has confidence in S. M. Williams --- ·-··------------ _ _ .29·1 M. A. Bryan to J. F. Perry, December 30, 1835. Making certified copies of Austin's Jarid titles._ __________ _________ _ __________295 Austin to Henry Austin, New Orleans, January 7, 1836. Favoring declaration of independence and explaining apparent inconsistency_ ___ __ ____________________ __ 297 Austin to General Sam Houston, New Orleans, January 7, 1836. Advising and giving reasons for declaration of independence_ __ _______ __ _______29Sl Austin to R. R. Royall and S. Rhoads Fisher, New Orleans, January 7, 1836. Advising declaration of independence------------- -----·-···--·-····-···-······-·-29~ Austin to Mrs. M. A. Holley, New Orleans, January 7, 1836. Describing the purpose of his mission to the United States...·- -- ---·- - --·- ··--··-····--·- ·-·- ···- 300 A. Huston to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, New Orleans, January IO, 1836. Request for military stores_________________________ _ _ 301 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Henry Smith, New Orleans, January IO, 1836. Announcing loan to Texas secured by public lands and advising early declaration of independence. (Omitted, but see text for reference.}_____ ________ _ ______ _ 303 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Smith, New Orleans, January 10, 1836. Report- ·ing appointment of commander for Schooner Liberty. ( Omitted, but see text.)__303 George R. Robertson to United States legation at Mexico, Tampico, January 14, 1836. Concerning trial and execution of captured men-Mexia's Tampico Expedi- tion. See text. (Omitted.) _ _______ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 303 A. J. Yates to Austin, Archer and Wharton, New Orleans, January 14, 1836. Asking authority to purchase a steamboat for Texas, and to enlist "passengers." (Omitted, but see text.)_____ _ _ ______________________ _303 Austin and Wharton to Smith, New Orleans, January 14, 1836. Copy of in• structions to William Bryan, General Agent for Texas_ _ _ ____ ___ ____ ____ 303 Austin, Archer, and Wharton to Edward Hall, New Orleans, January 14, 1836. Appointing him purchasing agent for Texas___________ _ ___ 304 Austin to Thomas F. McKinney, New Orleans, January 16, 1836. Advises dee• laration of independence ·- ------- ·----____ 304 Austin to D. C. Barrett, New Orleans, January 17, 1836. Advising declaration of independe~ce and giving reB!'ons. ______________ _ _______________305 Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., New Orleans, January 18, 1836. Opinion in United States insists on independence. Drawing for a flag_ _ _ _ _____ _____ 306 Austin to James F. Perry, New Orleans, January 18, 1836. Necessary to declare independence. Loans effected ______ _______ ________ _ .307 William W: Lea to William H. Wharton, Eaton, Tenn., January 18, 1836. Proposals to raii;e corps of volunteers______ _ _ ___ ____ 307 J. E. Savage to Austin, Archer, and Wharton, New Orleans, January 18, 1836. Proposal to bring' emigrants from England to support Texan struggle in return for land. Can obtain 1,000 families by October. Will land in New Orleans, and Texas is to pay expenses from' the day of landing there until they arrive in Texas. The writer requests military rank without pay. (Omitted.)____ __ _ __.308 Austin and Archer to T. D. Owings, Ne,~ Orleans, January 18, 1836. Accepting offer of a regiment of volunteers, and explaining objects of the Texans. (Omitted, but see text.) _ _____________ __ ______ _ _308 xxiv

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