The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

B. R. Milam and Edward Burleson to Provisional Government, December 6, 1835. Announcing beginning of assault on Bexar____ _ ____•______280 James P. Caldwell to Austin, December 8, 1835. Austin erred in appointment of staff. Army insubordinate_______________ ------····-··-··-- 280 Governor Smith to Austin, et al., December 9, 1835. Instructions to buy supplies. (Omitted.) ·····--·--···--------------- ___ ···- ·--··-·-·· 281 Wyatt Hanks to Austin, December 9, 1835. Asks advice about creation of corps of cavalry. (Omitted.) _ _ --- ·----------- ___________ 281 Austin to the Mexican Liberals, December 11, 1835. Explaining objects of the Texans. (Omitted. For a copy, accredited to J. A. Padilla, see Gammel, Laws of Te:cas, I, 651.) ____________ ····-··--···-···- ----------····--··-···-------····-·--··-2Rl

Provisional Government to Austin, December 11, of his services. (Omitted. For a copy without Laws of Texas, I, 652.) ----- ---- ---

1835. Expressing appreciation the signatures, see Gammel,

281 Austin to Provisional Government, December 11, 1835. Thanking it for resolu- tions. and advising organization of state government under Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824. (Omitted. Sr.e copy in Gammel, Laios of Texas, I, 657.)-281 M. A. Bryan to James F. Perry, December 12, 1835. Fears Austin cannot stand the cold in the North. (Omitted.) _ _______ -·-···· __ ___________281 Austin to Provisional Government, Columbia, December 14, 1835. Plans · for cooperation with l\'Iexican liberals. Important to abide by declaration of Novem- ber •7, and make no move toward independence. Recommendations concerning ?tfexia ··--·····-··- --··-···--·-···--··- ····--------···-·-·-··-··--····---·-·-----82 Henry Austin to Austin, December 15, 1835. Asking Austin to help him raise JllOney in the United States..----···-···-··· _______________284 Austin to Thomas F. McKinney, December 16, 1835. Popular attitude toward Mexican liberals too intolerant_______________ ________ 285 H. J. Offutt to Austin, Mexico, December 15, 1835. Instructions concerning surveying in Texas. (Omitted.)______________ ________ _ ______285 Henry Smith to Austin, et al., December 17, 1835. Instructions to buy no outfit for Mexicans. (Omitted.) _ __ -- --- -····----··--- ·---- 28S Thomas F. McKinney to Austin, December 17, 1835. Expressing violent oppo- sition to independence_____________________________ ___ 286 Austin to J. F. Perry, ·December 17, 1835. Statement concerning the eleven league grants that he bought in 1832. Other property. Business instructions to 'Perry _____________ --------------- 2(!6 Austin to [Perry], December 18, 1835. Statement concerning J. E. B. Austin's estate ···-·----··--- - --···-··----- - ·-··--·····-------------- 2fl7 G. W. Lovelace to Austin, December 18, 1835. Asking payment of a note___ 2fl8 Henry Smith to Austin, et al., December 20, 1835. Introducing Charles E. Haw- kins for position in the navy. (Omitted.) ___ __ _ ________ ____288 Asa Brigham to James F. Perry, December 20, 1835. Notifying him of election to the Ayuntamiento of Columbia. (Omitted.) _ _______ _______ ....,,88 John W. Dorsey to Austin, Liberty, Md., December 22, 1835. Asking appoint- ment and pay as surgeon in Texas army. (Omitted.) _ _______________ __ __ 289 Austin to F. W. Johnson, et al., December 22, 1835. Urging strict adherence to the Mexican Federal Union. Independence would entail maintenance of stand- ing army __________ ---·- - -··:··---- - ---- ·------89 Austin to Provisional Government, Velasco, December 22, 1835. Urging organi- zation of government in conformity with declaration of November 7. Importance of keeping confidence of Mexican liberals._____________ ___ 290 xxiii .

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