Henry Meigs to Austin, New York, November 15, 1835. Sent your letter con- cerning Indians. to Washington_____ _____________________________...255 Ira Ingram to Austin, Goliad, November 15, 1835. Asking to be transferred to another post. (Omi1ted.)______________________ _ ____255 Austin to Antonio de la Garza, November 16, 1835. Refusing to let civilians take com and beans into Bexar__________________ ____________ ______ 255 Austin lo Philip Dimmill, NoYember 18, 1835. Removing him from command at Goliad for failure in respect to Governor Viesca. (Omitted, but see text.) _ ..256 Address by Austin to inhabitants of Bexar (about November 18), 1835. Explain- ing object of the Texans. Supporting federal system.______-----.,-······--- -···----- -··· 25!i W. D. C. Hall to Austin, November 18, 1835. Resigning as Adjutant and Inspector General ________ ___________ ____25!l Austin to Col. Jose Maria, Gonzales, November 18, 1835. Regretting Dimmitt's attitude at Goliad. Inviting assistance____ ___________ __________________253 Austin to -----, November 18, 1835. Supporting federal system. Regrets Dimmill's coolness at Goliad. Need of local government_________________________259 Austin to Governor Agustin Viesca, November 18, 1835. Welcome. Texas needs local government --· . _____________ _ ________260 M. A. Bryan to James F. Perry, Bexar, November 18, 1835. Military situation. Austin tired of commanding militia ______ _ ______...260 John J. Schuler, et al., to Austin, Carlisle, Pa., November 19, 1835. Company of 50 to 70 would go to Texas if expenses could be paid. (Omitted, but see text.) _261 Robert Collins to Austin, Macon, Ga., November 20, 1835. Meeting of Texan sympathizers. Subscriptions and volunteers. (Omitted.) -·----- --- - - - -··-·-·------261 Robert Westcott to James F. Perry, Philadelphia, November 21, 1835. Intro- ducing Stephen Decatur Hurst, of military training. The Methodists in ;\·lissourL..261 Austin to James F. Perry, November 22, 1835. Estimate of the army before Bexar. Plans for future_____ _ ____ ··---------·-··-----·-262 H. Meigs lo Austin, New York, November 22, 1835. Reply of Forsyth lo Austin's leller concerning Indians ________________ ___ ___________ _ _26-1 William Hall to Austin, November 23, 1835. Supplies for the army_____ ___261 William H. Wharton lo Branch T. Archer, November 26, 1835. Declining mission lo United States because he believes nothing short of a declaration of independence by the Texans will gel aid from the United States - ·---------·- - ----·265 Henry Meigs lo Austin, New York, November 27, 1835. Public opinion doing much for Texas. Subscription to Telegraph and Te:rns Register _________267 M. A. Bryan to James F. Perry, November 30, 1835. Austin resigned command of the army. Conditions al Bexar________ -·-·------ ·- -·268 Austin lo Provisional Government, San Felipe, November 30, 1835. Views on subversion of Constitution of 1824. His policy has been to separate Texas from Mexican political squabbles by organizing local state government. Review of military history since October. Appreciation of the volunteer army 269 Austin lo Provisional Government, December 2, 1835. Stating Mexican designs on Texas and recommending a new convention to decide unambiguously on adhesion to liberal party or upon independence _____ --·--·······-·--·--273 D. C. Barrett to Austin, December 3, 1835. Asking Austin's opinion concerning the calling of another convention_____________ _____..275 Austin to D. C. Barrett, December 3, 1835. Strong statement of reasons for call- ing a new convention_____ • . 5 Austin to James F. Perry, December 4, 1835. Preparation to go to New Orleans._.280
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