L. Smither to Austin, Gonzales, November 4, 1835. Injuries and mistreatment suffered from volunteers from the East.____________ _ ______________236 L. Smither to Austin, Gonzales, November 4, 1835. Same subject_ __________237 Gail Borden, Jr., to Austin, November 5, 1835. Procedure of Consultation. Suspending land business. Newspaper__________ ____ 238 Austin to President of Consultation, Bexar, November 5, 1835. Advises letters of marque, organization of regular army, expedition from N~w Orleans against Matamoras. Send no more whiskey to camp___________________ ________239 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, November 6, 1835. Preparations to receive volunteers from New Orleans ______________ ____ _ ______241 W. B. Travis to Austin, November 6, 1835. Resignation as captain of cavalry__242 F. W. Johnson. et al., November 6, 1835. Protest against allowing Mexicans to gather corn ____ ________________ ______ .242 Austin to captains of companies, November 7, 1835. Order to elect a major---243 M. A. Bryan to James F. Perry, November 7, 1835. Desertion has nearly stopped. Austin has had trouble with aspiring men --·-----·-·-·-----··------ ---243 John P. Austin to Austin, New York, November 8, 1835. General interest throughout the United States and disposition to aid Texas. Meeting in New York. Land interest ---··------ --------··-----····--·-·--------244 William H. Wharton to Austin, November 8, 1835. Resignation as judge advocate general ____ -----------···-·····----- . ..247 Austin to President of Consultation, Bexar, November 8, 1835. Army will remain at Bexar. Austin hopes for appointment of competent commander_______47 Austin to President of Consultation, Bexar, November 8, 1835. Urging organiza- tion of civil government and establishment of army______________ .247 - Proclamation of Austin, November 10, 1835. Announcing close investment of Bexar __________ --------------- -----······---·---248 Governor Agustin Viesca to Austin, Goliad, November ll, 1835. Escaped prison in Mexico. Texas alone defending Federal Constitution of 1824. Wants to coop- erate and disprove charge made by Centralists that Texas is fighting for independ- ence. Dr. James Grant will explain his views. Complains of Dimmitt. (Omit- ted.) _ ____ - --- --------------- • __ 248 John J. Linn to Austin, Goliad, November ll, 1835. Party captured post of Lipantitlan on the Nueces. Governor Viesca there, and accompanied party here. Advises removal of Dimmitt from command because not tactful with Mexicans. Reception of Governor cool-Delivered by Dr. Grant. (Omitted.)__ _ _ _ 248 Philip Dimmitt to Citizens of Goliad, November 12, 1835. Putting town under martial law. (Omitted.) ______ ________ ______ 248 Edward Burleson to Austin, November 12, 1835. Report on execution of orders-.248 Thomas G. Western to Austin, November 13, 1835. Tyranny of Dimmitt at Goliad-forwarded by Dr. Grant. (Omitted.)____ _______249 Roberto Galan (Alcalde of Goliad) to Austin, Goliad, November 13, 1835. Dimmitt's mistreatment of civil inhabitants. (Omitted.) __________ _.49 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, Goliad, November 13. 1835. His refusal to receive the Governor officially produced insubordination. General conditions. _ ____249 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, November 14, 1835. Liberals in the interior .cool toward Texas. Advises march on Matamoras_________ _______2$2 Austin to J. W. Fannin, Jr., Bexar, November 14, 1835. Instructions____253 Henry Meigs to Austin, New York, November 15, 1835. Government of the United States cannot yet interfere in your behalf, but public opinion strong for Texas -----·--'--· ______________ --------··--·-- 254 xxi
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