The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



To Gail Borden and the Committee Send me some sugar coffee and 4 quires paper and three or four sticks of sealing wax and some wafers-it is uncertain when I shall be back. Write by every opportunity to Nacogdoches and Ayish bayou-Lead- Lead we want Lead- let them know this at Nacogdoches There is some sealing wax in my black trunk I believe S. F. A. Gail Borden and other members. You might get some one from Coles' settlement to go for the Cannon at Tenoxtitlan I think Allcorn would go __ .. Send me a blank book that is in the red trunk-it is the one that I com- menced copying letters in, it is of foolscap paper-send all these by the first safe hand-also send me Cos's letter my answer and copy of my letter to Ugartechea it is in Spanish and also in the file-- also Thomp- sons proclamation 2 it is in print and on file or in the paper case in one of the pigeon holes S. F. AUSTIN [Rubric] also send me the proceedings of the first meeting at Colombia 15 Augt- and the meeting at San Felipe 12 Sept. I want the proceedings of the first meetings at Nacogdoches and San Agustin and all the other meetings in every place where they have resolved to support the constitution of 1824-Jack had the proceedings of San Agustin and Nacogdoches. S. F. A. N. B. By request of Austin [Bryan] you will send his shoes they are in his room-Mosley [Addressed:] Gail Borden and the Committee San Felipe San Felipe


San Felipe 9 th October 1835

DEAR COL. Your Express arrived from the Army at 10 oclock last night at 4 this morning Our Express left for Matagorda I sent Public and Private Letters lo Excite the People to turn out, to send the rifle Powder and Lead in haste •by Beason's as directed and the cannon will go as soon as Possible. I fear it cannot reach Beason's sooner than 14th or 15th But you may no doubt 'T. .M. Thompson was an English commander of the .Mexican war schooner Correo. The proclamation (July 26, 1835), warned colonists against organizing the militia. See Publications of Southern History Association, IX, 172 (May, 1905) for a copy of the proclamation.

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