The Austin Papers, Vol. 3




Quintana, 4 th • Octo 1835

MR. JAMES F. PERRY Dr. Sir will you try and•get Greenvill McNeil to attend at Brazoria and goe yourself to Columbia and get things as well arranged as possible I feel no doubt of our success here and will leave no stone unturned which can be honestly turned to succeed in our purpose you have had rnuc~ trouble and it will be hard for you to goe lo Columbia but you can do much good there and Greenville can in Bra~oria, we will send such things as we can make out here for the Col but they are few and then will notify you of them I THos. F. McKINNEY [Rubric] · If no pe1son!I are appointed to hold the elections they may have none and thus defeat us see this attended to and hold an election at all hazards. McK we will send every thing in the way of bedding etc which the Col want[s] provision such as we have hafe no rice shovel tongs and guns _ .. .. [Addressed:] Mr. James ·F. Perry Peach Point


Committee room of the Committee of safety of the jurisdiction of Austin San Felipe de Austin Oct. 4, 1835

War is· declared against military despotism- Public opinion has pro- claimed it with one united voice- The campaign has opened. The mili- tary at Bexar have advanced upon Gonzales. General Cos has arrived and threatens to overrun the country. But one spirit, one common purpose, animates every one in this depart- ment, which is to take Bexar, and drive all the military out of Texas, be- fore the campaign closes. There are about three hundred volunteers at Gonzales at this time, and will be upwards of five hundred in a few days. It is confidently believed in this quarter that the people of the depart- ment of Nacogdoches will turn out and join the army of the people now in the field and facing the enemy. Arms and ammunition are needed; we' have more men than guns. Could not some muskets be procured from the other side of the Sabine? This committee will contribute, and is responsible that the people here will do the same, to pay a full proportion of the expense. This is all important-

1 Autograph draft by Austin.

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