this side of the river to leave their houses, allarmed the Citizens and in order to impede the passage of the troops withdrew to the other side the ferry in canoes, so that when the commander of the party arrived on the banks of the river he was met by that obstacal, Notwithstanding which, he solicited an interview-with the Alcalde but in vain altho he ·was in- formed that within three hours he would come, not being in town, when that time expired the next Regidor made his appearanctl and made known that he had to consult with the Political Chief of the Brazos and without his sanction he could not, nor would not deliver up the cannon, I was informed of this occurrence and then ordered the commandant of the·party to withdraw, in the belief that on the political Chiefs ;tnswer the gun would be delivered up, so far from that however, the inhabitants of the town act- ing on the wrong belief that the troops retired thro fear came out, pass the river and committing the outrage of attacking the party and intimating surrender to the Commandant. A report was made to me of that event and that besides the Citizens of Gonzales 300 men from San Felipe had collected and as I did not wish to see that small force .compromitted, I ordered it to withdraw, and shall march tomorrow with the knowledge of the Com- mandant General with a force of every discription of arms, sufficient to prove that the Mexicans can never suffer themselves to be insulted. There are in the Colony some individuals, 1rho, like yourself know me to be frank in my proceedings, and also that I possess the character and energy characteristic of my country. I may therefore assure you that if you make use of your influence with the political Chief to have the gun delivered up to me, wherever it may meet me, from that spot I will return immediately, if not I will act _militarily and the consequence will be a war declared by the Colonists, which shall be maintained by the Government of the nation with corresponding dignity. • I know you are right to complain of Thompsons proceedings, which I do not approve much less as they are arbitrary, and having no authority for acting in such a manner but some sacrifice is requisite in favor of peace, which, if it disappear from Texas, . will he caused only by the oposition of the colonists to what is just, and I am convinced of your good sentiments in favor of your adopted Country, notwithstanding your suffer- ings and have not doubt that in favour of this country you will continue to make fresh sacrifices and cooperate effectually in removing the evils which threaten, for which important purpose you may rec[k]on upon me for the use of my influence with the Supreme Government and with the Commandant General, and I can assure you if peace should be sincerely established and unalterably so, the introduction of troops into those de- partments will be dispensed with, I am your friend likewise a friend to the Colonist, if I have been some- times obliged to fight with them, it was an absolute fulfilment of my duty,
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