men from Harrisburg will be on by Lo-morrow or next day lo this place, and unless otherwise advised they will continue on to Gonzales I regret that there are no Guns to be had in this quarter for the supply of Capt. Allens company. There is public powder at Matagorda which you can get by applying for in my name to the committee of that place, as they informed me they would hold it subject to my order. • I shall dispatch expresses with the information contained in your letters, to every part of the upper and eastern country.. I presume you have of course informed them in Matagorda and Bay Prairie from which it will go to Colombia. There are some who will nol yet believe that Gen 1• Cos has come on- send all the positive information you can on this subject in a letter signed by James Kerr, John Alley, George Sutherland, or some others who are well known, in order that it may be printed with the signatures- The printing press will be ready to print in this place to-morrow-you can therefore send me what you wish to nave published- S. F. AUSTIN [Rubric] To James Kerr and John Alley-
Bexar 4 th Oct 1835
I have just received your letter of the 15 th ult. and am glad to learn your happy arrival at S Felipe; the more so, as I believe that your presence, and the direct influence, which as a ·good Mexican you should exercise in the affairs of Texas, will cause them to be managed with the skill and cir- cumspection required by the present delicate circumstances, which have been rendered important by the excitements of the enemies of order, whose proceedings with which I believe you are well acquainted, have induced the supreme Government, .who abounds in resources, to adopt measures fit to procure a permanent and firm peace in that interesting part of the Re- public, without leaving unfinished- crimes and abominations. In the understanding therefore that you are well acquainted with the events that have happened previous to your arrival. I shall only give a sketch of the principal ones, that you may be convinced of the necessity and justice of the measures which have caused so much alarm and given rise to sinister interpretations. • You cannot be ignorant of the outrage committed at Anahuac against the detachment placed there under the orders of Cap 1 • Antonio Tenorio, of
1 From Lamar Papers, Texas State Library.
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