about S60,000 in specie, for the purpose of paying off the trooP.s· He in- formed the Alcalde of the Nueces, that he intended to overrun Texas, and establish custom-houses and detachments of his army where he thought fit." A letter from Bexar says, "the people must either submit, or prepare for defence; as the intention is to march into the colonies, and regulate the land affairs, and a great many things, by military force; also, to clear the country of what they choose to call vagrants, etc." Information w4ich is relied on, has been·received from the interior, that the states of Zacatecas and Guadalaxara have risen and taken up arms in defence of the Constitution of 1824, and in support of the federal system; also, that. there are insurrections in the state of Tamaulipas, in favor of the same cause; also, that the republican general, Juan Alvarez, has gained a victory over the government troops in the south of Mexico. All these, and all the freemen of Mexico, are now fighting for the same cause that the people of Texas are defending. It is the cause of freedom- it is holy and just, and must triumph.
San Felipe Oct. 3. 1835
I have this moment recd your letters dated 1• t instant- The communications which were taken yesterday by Mr Lightfoot, and today by Mr Perkins, will have informed you fully of the attack made on Gonzales, and that voluntiers from every part of this country have marched and are marching to that point, which is at present the general rendezvous of the army of the people- Expresses have been sent to Trinity and to Nacogdoches, and a large force is expected from that quarter- The campaign is opened, and it must not be closed untill Bexar is taken and all the military are driven out of Texas. A report reached here that the voluntiers from Colombia who were to rendezvous at Kerrs had been turned back, in consequence of news received by them from Matagorda-in consequence of which I dispatched an ex- press to Colombia on receipt of the news of the attack on Gonzales- I also dispatched the same to Matagorda, and yesterday to La Baca. Correct information, as to Cos's movements, and concert between Gon- zales and La Baca is very important- It is possible that Cos may attempt a forced march to this place from Goliad, in the absence of the men at Gonzales. It would he well to keep this idea in view and to obtain certain informa- tion, when he left Goliad, and where the Morelos Battalion have stopped- whether they went on to Bexar, or have remained at Goliad- I expect the
1 From Army Papers, Texas State Library.
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