The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

Peter J. Menard to R. _R. Royall, October 19, 1835. Advising arrest of John A. Wmiams and John M. Smith, tories -------------------193 J. W. Collins to Austin, New Orleans, October 20, 1835. Introducing Robert C. Morris, a trained soldier. Has served five or six years in the Louisiana Guard. (Omitted.) -----·-·· _____ __________________191 J. A. Nixon to Austin, Nacogdoches, October 20, 1835. Movement of volunteers. SuppJies. Mexicans don't understand "the business"- ------ ____19,i Philip Dimmitt to Austin, October 20, 1835. Information obtained from a de- serter from Bexar. Conditions in interior of Mexico_ _________ __l94 George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, Octoper •20, 1835. Mexican liberals looking to Texas to save fede.ral system. He and Mexia trying to fit out an ex- pedition against Tampico or Matamoras. (Omitted.) _ ____ _ ___ _196 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 20, 1835. Transmitting letter from Nacogdoches showing efforts to forward supplies and men____ _:_ _ __ ____196 L. R. Kenny to Austin, New Orleans, October 20, 1835. Urging firmness and union and offering services,_ ________ _ _______ ___ ___196 James Ramage to Austin, New Orleans, October 21, 1835. Great activity in behalf of Texas. Important to declare for Constitution of 1824 _____197 J. lVI. Guerra to General Cos, Matamoras, October 21, 1835. Notifying him of military supplies. (Omitted.)___________ - ---,-- -------199 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 21, 1835. Pressing problem of finding revenue to meet demands made on permanent council. Zavala advises tarif1_______199 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, Goliad, October 21, 1835. Sending information de- rived from a Mexican from Bexar._ 201 Thomas F. McKinney to James F. Perry, October 22, 1835. Returning a boy [Slave?]. (Omitted.) --,.--------------- - - -----202 Bowie and Fannin to Austin, October 22, 1835. Reporting situation of Bexar-202 Austin to the army, October 23, 1835. Address_ ______...:_________04 Bowie and Fannin to Austin, October 23, 1835. Reporting a reconnoissance of the missions below Bexar_ _______________________o5 Bowie and Fannin to Austin, October 24, 1835. Reporting a skirmish, asking for supplies, and suggesting a plan of operation _ ____________ 06 Bowie and Fannin to Aus~in, October 24, 1835. Anticipating attack, ask rein- forcements --- ----------- -----------------07 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, GoJiad, October 25, 1835. Answering Austin's orders for suppJies. Local conditions ________ _ _ _ _____ ______07 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 25, 1835. Work of the permanent council---209 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 25, 1835. Efforts to forward large cannon 209 Austin to Permanent Council, Camp Salado, October 25, 1835. Memorandum of procedure for the consultatio----------------------10 •McKinney and Williams to Royall and Borden, October 26, 1835. ~ecommend- ing use of privateers______________ ___________ .-Mll M. A. Bryan to James F. Perry, October 26, 1835. Opposition of army to return of members of consultatio.____________ ____________ u Austin to Permanent Cou'!cil, Camp Salado, October 26, 1835. Plans for cam- paign, and need of reinforcements--------------------12 Edmund Andrews to R. R. Royall, October 27, 1835. Supplies---·--=---13 'Philip Dimmitt to Austin, October 27, 1835. Karankawa Indians stopp~d from destruction of cattle. Has made a flag, which he describes__________13 James F. Perry, to Austin, October 27, 1835. Cheering news, from the United States ------------------- -----------"14 xix

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