The Austin Papers, Vol. 3




At Capt Moores Colorado River Sept 29 1835

To the· Committee of Safety at San Felipe GENTLEMEN-

The frontiers are attacked Three hundred Mexicans will be tonight in Gonzales- The citizens in the neighborhood are mustering as fast as they can- every exertion must be made to get the people to arms- from respectable authority now pres- ent, there are besides the troops at Bexar with Coss 2000 men are on the road.-At La Bahia the enemy sent for horses, there were none, they then made the Citizens pack their baggage on their backs- Whipped the Al- calde and Ayuntamiento-: From reports I expect 200 or 250 men will be in the neighborhood of Gonzales tomorrow and will give the enemy a specimen of their skill in rifle shooting THOS. s SAUL Member of Committee of Washington

[Copy of Saul to Hoxey, September 29, omitted. See above.]

I do certify that the above Coppies of Communication rec'd from S F Austin and now in this Office are true and correct G. w. POE Copy-A. J. HARRIS WILLIAM s. FISHER TO AUSTIN Gonzales Octo 23. 1835 Your letter of Sept 27 th has been received, and we are rejoiced to hear that Volunteers are on their march to our assistance, the Rubicon is crossed and it is now of vital importance to Texas, that we should be immediately reinforced. About 12 Oclock on the 20 th the Military about 200 in number, arrived on the western Bank of the Guadaloupe, and attempted the passage of the River, but were repulsed by 18 men (the whole force ··then in this' place) they then encamped on the mound at DeWitts, on the I• t Octo. about 12, oclock they took up their march and encamped about seven miles above this place in a very strong position, suspecting that their pbject in this movement was -either to wait for a reinforcement, from San Antonio, or to cross at the upper crossing, about 15 Miles above, it was determined to attack them; before their plan could be carried into execution-Accordingly on the same night, the whole force on foot, (amounting to about 160 men)

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