McKinney and Williams to Gray, October 11, 1835. Announcing arrival of vessels with cannon and munitions_________ - - - ____17;; James Kerr to-----., October 11, 1835. Capture of Goliad_ ___________liS Philip· Dimmitt to .Austin, October 12, 1835. Importance of occupying Goliad_l76 .Eli Mercer to Austin, October 12, 1835. Advises fighting from "the bush." Avoid open fighting. ___ ------------------ -·--····--·--176 Election Report, October 12, 1835. B. J. White chosen to represent Goliad in council of war at Gonzales. (Omitted.)________ ____ ____177 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, October 13, 1835. Glad Austin is elected commander. (Omitted.) __________ _ ________ ----177 William H. Jack to Austin, October 13, 1835. Glad of Austin's election to command. Opposes risking battle with odds against us____ _ _______l 77 Father Jose Maria Alpucbe to Austin, October 13, 1835. Offers services. Has news from Mexico too important to write____ ____________178 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 13, 1835. Munitions on the road traveling fifteen miles a day______________ . .178 R.R. Royall to Austin, October 13, 1835. Report of supplies and munitions__l79 Benjamin F. Smith to Austin, October 13, 1835. Military condition of Goliad_l79 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 13, 1835. Notifying him that Nacogdoches has elected San Houston to command forces of East ·Texas_____________l81 Benjamin Fort Smith to ·Austin, October 14, 1835. Great difficulty in getting men to stay and hold Goliad. Militia cannot be depended on to do garrison duty. Only their honor restraints them, and that in many cases "but a cobweb"____l82 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 14, 1835. Stores and munitions on the way. Important to maintain permanent counciL____,______ _ ___183 R. R. Royall to Public, October 15, 1835. Passport for Deaf Smith, a scout__l83 Philip Dimmitt to Austin, Goliad, October 15, 1835. Announcing his succession to command of the post. Suggesting capture of Lipantitlan. Sending certain Mexican volunte~rs to Austin'-----_____________ _____185 A. R. McNair to James F. Perry, New Orleans, October 15, 1835. Introducing a volunteer. Would join himself, but is disabled by yellow fever______l86 C. B. Stewart to Austin, October 15, 1835. Recommending Deaf Smith, who thinks he can induce Mexican cavalry at San Anto~o to desert______. 187 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 16, 1835. Members elected to consultation are hard to hold. Want to return home. Advises meeting as soon as possible. Indian policy ------"'--------------------187 R. R. Royall to Austin, October l(i, 1835. Necessity of arresting John A. Wil- liams with company of 58 to aid the enemy. Lacks authority_______ 187 John J. Linn to Austin, October 17, 1835. General attitude of the western coast country______ _ ___________________189 B. J. White to Austin, October 17, 1835. Confusion at G~liad. Slave rising on the Brazos. Indians,______________________ 190 R.R. Royall to Austin, October 17, 1835. Acknowledging arrival of three officers captured at Goliad. (Omitted.)._ ___ _ _________190 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 18, 1835. Activities of the permanent council. Rangers. Negotiations with Indians. Supplies and reinforcements ____1 91 General Martin Perfecto de Cos to Austin, Bexar, October 18, 1835. Declining to receive a commissioner under a white flag. Insists that Texan forces must dis- band and communicate with him in form of petition. '(Omitted, but see text.) __192 . R. R. Royall to Austin, October 19, 1835. Concerning arrest of Williams, a tory. Consultation __________ _ ____________193 •
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