The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



need make no delay about provisions, for we have plenty at your service- ·the time we think is most pressing, and the occasion most urg~nt- In haste By order of the council G. W. DA vrs, SEcY,


[Convened on the morning of the 25 th of Seplember, 1835. W. J. Russell, chairman, and. Seth Ingram, secretary. Committee of five-Ira Ingram, R. R. Royall, G. M. Collinsworth, Samuel Williams, and Charles Willson-to report on the circular issued by Austin on Lhe 19 th • Approve Lhe circular. Recommend immediate formation of a miliLia company. Add Seth Ingram to present committee of "Safety, vigilance, eleclion and corre- spondence." The committee will then consist of W. J. Russell, R. R. Royall, Ira Ingram, SeLh Ingram, and Hamilton S. Cook.]


Sept. 26. .1835


As you are in a situation to hear much, I hope as a friend you will inform me of any thing that is of importance towards effecting the main object, which is union and concert- I believe you know and understand the principles that have always influenced me- I was in times past opposed to mixing war measures with our affairs- We were then at peace, and a calm was all important to drawing emigration to the country- At that time no important fundamental or permanent right or principle was at- tacked- I was therefore for peace in full. No half way measures- I acquiesced in some but reluctantly as is well known. I was abused very much for so doing- but I never attributed corrupt motives to those who differed with me in opinion- Now Our position is quite different-our all is at stake- It is even a question of life or death "to be, or not to be"- I now believe tha°t our rights are attacked-and that war is our only remidy- I am therefore for War in full, and no half way measures- There was, as you know better than I do, great divisions, and that it required some prudence to unite so many discordant materials- I have done all I could- I have not suffered the past to have any influence upon me as to any person whatever- I do think that this same rule ought to govern every one- we are now all united, but any thing like party or intolerance will create new divisions-- There ought to be no division in the ranks of those who are fighting for the same cause Even personalities should be laid on one side- it is a sacrifice which each one owes to the C!)untry-

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