the Govr on his way to San fillipe the officers of the militia and volunteer corps are calling their Commands together and will be in readiness for any service when they may be wanting Some will leave on Saturday next for the rendezous at Leagues old place if convenient let us know when the corp of reserve leaves San fellipe that the troops from this quarter may meet them at some point below- all to a man in this quarter are preparing for the defence of their country against military tyranny and despotism- Texas and Liberty is the motto- WM. P. HARRIS JOHN W. MOORE . Mr. Geo F. Richardson chairman of the Committee of Safety and Vig- ilence has gone to·Lynchburg as an express with a copy of the documents to see them forwarded as required Therefore the committee of safety and vigilence of this place has no organ through which they can al this time answer their communication- • WM. P. HARRIS J. w. ZACHARIE AND COMPANY TO AUSTIN [New Orleans, September 23, 1835. See Calendar.]
]AMES WHITESIDE TO SPENCER H. JACK [September 25, 1835. See Calendar.]
Gonzales Sept 25 th 1835 I am directed by the Committee of safety of Gonzales, to address you for the purpose of procuring immediate assistance to repel an expected attack of the enemy. The circumstances which influence us to this measure are these- A demand at the instance of Col: Urgatechea has been made for a piece of cannon which has been in this town upwards of 4 years-the cannon is not needed in Bexar, for they have 18 other pieces there still unmounted-besides those they have mounted; this piece was given us unconditionally as we are informed for the defence of this colony- From every circumstance, and from information we are justified in believeing that this demand is only made to get a pretext to make a sudden inroad and attack upon this colony for marauding and other purposes. The Alcalde with the approbation of the people has refused to deliver up the cannon-and we are satisfied that as soon as Urgatechea is informed of the fact, he will immediately send a force against this colony at least thinking to find us too weak to resist them-We therefore earnestly request you to send what force you can collect immediately to our assistance. You
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