Committee Room San Augustine- September 22 1835
We the undersigned a Committee of Vigilence and correspondence ap- pointed at a large and general meeting of the citizens of the municipality of San Augu~tine convened at this place on the 7 th inst. the resolutions of which, this committee transmitted you through Maj. Wade Bynum and W. H. Wharton Esqr from the jurisdiction of Austin, have the honour of addressing you in reply to your communication, this day received by us dated, "Committee Room, San Felipe, Sept. 13, 1835- This Committee deem that the propriety of a State Consultation has already been unanimously acknowledged by the Citizens of this munici- pality as indispensibly necessary for their well being and safety, to meet in the Town of Washington on the 15th day of October next, whose dele- gates, seven in number, are to be vested with unlimited powers, to be gov- erned entirely by circumstances that may have transpired, up to the time of the meeting of said consultation, owing to our detached local situations, and the danger of protracting time, and deeming it highly necessary, at this crisis, to act with energy and decision- This committee deem it impolitick to limit the capasity of their delegates their interests being inseperably identified with their constituants, and in common with the balance of the citizens of the state, they knowing the wants, and agrievances of the people, having minds unbiased, with an eye single to good sound republican principles, will be willing to do what is right, and submit to nothing that is wrong, are willing to risk our all, to the mature and deliberate discussion and the final result of an unprejudiced decision of a majority of the members of said consultation in determining the course most advisable to be persued. This Committee being well aware of the vital importance of securing the friendship of the numerious Tribes of Indians intersperced among our inhabitants, will take all necessary measures in their power for the accom- plishment of that end- This Committee are decidedly of opinion that the meeting for the pro- posed consultation, should be held at Washingon, that place being first designated, and generally understood, as being the place, considering the objections _to its being held at Washington, more easily obviated, than the prejudices that might arise in the minds of many, on its being altered to San Felipe- • This committee have ere this communicated with the people of Red River about Pecan Point country, presuming however that they will not act at all on this subject.-
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