settle. You wrote me once that I must take it in one corner of one of your land. this might not suit me attall as the soil is all poor- the Colonel says he apprehends there will be no objections to my settling on any part of the land that I may select. And if you are willing to give me a labore where I have selected and will write me to that afect, I will go over and prepare cowpens and take my stock over as soon as the river gets low enough I think Mr Perry that my preposials are not unreasonable as you have two Leagues adjoining each other I think the law require that there shall be put upon grasing lands 100 heads of horned cattle, and my stock will amount to at least 200 head will be the settling of both leagues in the Eye of the law- You will please to write to me as soon as posable as the season is fare advanced to move cattle this fall: if the river gits down in time to move them this fall. I want to do it as soon as posable. And if it dos not I will go over and make preperations for to move them in the spring I am offered choice of lands· on the south side of the buyo but the want of timber is a greate objection. You will please write by the first opportunity And Olige Your Cincere friend MARTIN ALLEN Mr J. Perry [Addressed:] Mr James F. Perry Peach point politeness of Capt. Richardson
Columbia Septr 22 nd 1835
at "the request of Mr. J. H. Bell, I enclose you a copy of a letter writen by Col. S. F. Austin to P. W. Grayson of this place; and should have sent you a copy of the Cols. circular, if time would have permited.- I have sent a copy to the Committee of safety, at Velasco, of which you are a member, and one to Brazoria, for publication.- I shall leave tomorrow for Matagorda, on business, but shall return before Monday the 5 th of next month, at which time I wish to have a meeting of the Ayuntamiento; you will please attend.- A ." BRIGHAM D. T. FITCHETT TO JAMES F. PERRY Brazoria 22 Sept 1835 MR. PERRY SIR I left Columbia this morning and promised to send letters imme- diately from Col Austin to you. Which promise I have complied with also
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