Austin to David G. Burnet, San Felipe, October 5, 1835. Urging unity. Begin- ning of movement for independence, but cannot announce it.·-- - ·---- 160 P. W. Grayson and others to Austin, October 6, 1835. Asking him to take com- mand of the volunteers______·-·-··-·- ___ ·--·- ·---- -------161 Josiah H. Bell to Austin, October 6, 1835. Fears invasion by sea in which case coast would be defenseless and exposed to slave insurrection·-·--·······---- 161 Thomas J. Pilgrim to Austin, October 6, 1835. Fears invasion by sea and slave insurrection ···--·-- - ---·- -··- ·--··- ··-···-··- --·--- 162 Doctors William P. Smith, Thomas P. Gazley, el al., to J. H. Moore, October 7. 1835. Offering medical .service to armY-·-·--------··--··-···-··-----···- --l62 Ugartechea to Alcalde of Gonzales, Bexar, October 8, 1835. Assuring him that troops have no hostile intention. Cos arrived yesterday. Wants the Gonzales c~nnon - ·--·--···-··-·-·---- ---- ___ -··- ··-·-·-·--·- -l63 Jose Antonio Mexia to Austin, New Orleans, October 8, 1835. Introducing Father Alpuche who goes to Texas "to breathe the sort air or liberty". ____163 J. Antonio Padilla to Austin, October 8, 1835. Joins Texas forces. Cannot !he under military yoke.._._ ·- -----·---·--·-···----··--·---··---·--··-164 G. M. Collinsworth to Austin, October 8, 1835. Attacking Goliad ·--·--·----164 Gail Borden, Jr., to Austin, October 8, 1835. Notifying him of election to the consultation ·····-·----··-··-····--·-··--·--···-··--- -··------···-·····---------l64 Permanent Council to People of Texas, October 8, 1835. Describing the crisis_l65 Austin to Permanent Council, October 8, 1835. Instructions for collecting cannon and powder and lead_·--·-··--·-------·--·-·-·-·----·- -··-166 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 9, 1835. Efforts of the permanent council to fill his orders -·---- ··----·----·----- -- ________....67 A. W. Radcliff to Lorenzo de Zavala, October 10, 1835. Offering to discharge any commissions in New York. (Omitted.>.---.------·---····-··--···-··- ··-·--l68 Gail Borden, Jr., to Thomas F. McKinney, October 10, 1835. Transmitting Austin's order for munition.... ______ - - --- ____168 Austin to members of consultation, October 10, 1835. Transmitting resolutions .of the army asking that meeting of the consultation be delayed until Novem- ber 1 - - ------·-·----·-~·-····--·---·-·-----·-·------163 James Kerr to Council of War at Gonzales, October 10, 1835. R.eporting capture o_f Goliad. Other movements ·-----··--·---· ----·----- -·-··--169 Gail Borden, Jr., to Austin, October 10, 1835. Efforts to fill his orders. Diffi. culty of publishing Telegraph and Texas Register because printers want to join the army -··---·---·· --- ---····----·······-····-------····- ·······--·· ······--···--170 • George Antonio Nixon to Austin, Nacogdoches, October 10, 1835. East Texas uniting to join you. Mo_ney sent to United States for arms a~d munitions. Efforts to win support of Mexican residents___________________l71 R. R. Royall to Austin, October 10, 1835. Efforts to fill orders for cannon and munitions -·· ----·-·---------·· - - ---·-·····- ·--- ··-·······---17? Bartlett Sims to Dr. Robert Peebles, October 10, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)-·-- -173 P. W. Grayson to Austin, October 11, 1835. Notifying him of his election to command the "Volunteer army of Texas"- --··-··--··-·- ·-··- ------ 173 Austin's Order Book for the campaign of 1835. October 11-November 24, 1835. (Omitted, but see reference in text.)_____ _______ _ _ -··--173 Austin to San Felipe Committee, October II, 1835. Movement of army. Asking for reinforcements -·- - ···----- -- - ----- ____ __ _ _ In John J. Linn to P. W. Grayson, October 11, 1835. Suggesting parole for Mexican prisoners. (Omitted.) ······-··-······· ··-- - - - - -- ·-··-·-··-----·----- li•l xvii
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