The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



be so declared by an impartial world; we are defending our constitutional rights against mtiitary usurpation- I hope you will communicate your opinions to me fully and frankly. s. F. AUSTIN. To the Committee of Safety &c. of Columbia.


Information was recd. last night by express that Genl. Cos landed at Copano with 400 men arms and amunition-An expedition is now raising in the lower country to take the field at once- volunteers are called for to rendezvous at Leagues old place on Colorado on the 28 of this month. Every man in Texas is now called upon to take up arms in defence of his country and his rights. Those who can join the expedition on the 28 are required to do so or they can join it at James Kerrs on La Baca which is the principal rendezvous- A corps of reserve will be formed to march on and sustain the advance. Those who cannot join the advance are required to unite with the reserve and report themselves to the committee of safety in this place and be ready for marching orders. It is expected that each man will supply himself with provisions arms and ammunition to march with- arrangements will be made for permanent supplies as soon as possible. San Felipe de Austin Sept. 21, 1835 S. F. AUSTIN, chairman of Com.


8 Mile point Sept 22nd 1835

MR PERY SIR I offer my best respects to you and family I congratulate you on the arrival of our worthy friend Col. Austin and hope that his arrival at this Critical Moment will be the Saving of our Country. I Saw him yester• day at home he is well, at present, but had been very near Ending his days by accident as he informed me he had sent down to town for a bottle of Brandy and he had sent to him a bottle of the tincture of corose of subli- ment he i~formed me that it puked and purged him at the most violent rate posable. He sayed one teaspoonfull more must have taken his life-- but he is over it and well and will receive no further injury by it as it operated in the way·it did- I had some conversation with him relative to the views I had of fixing my stpck on Dickersons buyo I have been over lately to that buyo and examined your land in order to select a suitable spot for the purpose- I have chosen one if you are willing·to let me have it as we have talked of that is for me to have the labore on which I would

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