The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



ertson's contract- I admitted the premises, as stated to me, that the con- tract was legal and perfect- this admitted, you will yourself discover that the law of las_t April, is inoperative"-for the reason I intimated to you this morning. I shall spare no exertions to acquire correct knowledge of the ~ontroverted matters, in which I may be consulted-and shall be ever ready to correct any conclusions, or opinions, founded upon false premises-at the same time that I shall under no circumstances be induced to mislead my fellow citizens with false conclusions from just premises- In the present ex- citing state of public feeling, it will be strange indeed, if every man whose desire to do good, is evident, makes no mistakes-or does not meander from the true course- honest principles will give a tone to general character but truth well understood will be the only safe guide, in the present crises of the destiny of Texas- With assurances of respect and good feelings which I-will offer on eve_ry opportunity-in aid of your prudent counsels- I am in haste your friend and svt- D. C. BARRETT Sept- 17 th - 1835 [Addressed:] Col. S. F. Austin


Cana Creek Sept. 18, 1835

DAVID MILLS, DR. SIR Letters have been recd express from citizens residing at or near Copeno informing the citizens of Matagorda, that the aimed vessel Vera Crusanna had arrived and was landing arms and ammunition and that they were to wait the arrival of two vessels with 400 troops, which are expected soon- Gen. Martin Perfecto De Cos is on board and I suppose the expected force with what is at Bexar is to form a small body-guard with which he purposes visiting San Felippe. We h11:ve determined here to raise a sufficient force to justify a reasonable belief that we can succeed, in an effort to secure at least the arms and am- munition and if to be found the troops. You know we·are weak in numbers, tho, thank God, united in council and firm resolve to be ·free or die. Hence I am instructed by our fellow citizens to convey to our friends on Brazos and Bernard the information and our consequent resolution and to ask their speedy and efficient cooperation. It is proposed to organize and collect the people of Cana and Bay Prairie and rendesvous at Robertson Ferry on Colorado River on Monday 28 Inst and proceed from thence to James Carr's residence on the Lavaca when proper information will be recd to guide our future perations

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