In pursuance of previous public notice, a large and highly respectable meeting of the citizens of the Jurisdiction of Austin, convened at Johnson & Winburn's Tavern, in San Felipe, on the 12th inst., when Col. Stephen F. Austin was elected Chairman, and Patrick C. Jack appointed Secretary. The Chairman then explained the object of the meeting, and read several official communications from Col. Domingo de Ugartechea, and from Col. • Martin Per£ecto de Cos. He then at large expressed his views of the Political state of the Republic of Mexico, of the present situation of Texas, and of the course which its citizens should pursue under the pressing immergencies of the times, and concluded by earnestly urging the absolute necessity of a Consultation of all Texas, by means of delegates elected by the people. " After which Capt. Randal Jones introduced the following resolutions, which upon motion of Capt. Wyly Martin, were read separately, and upon being submitted to the meeting, were unanimously adopted. Resolved, 1st. That we will support the constitution of the Mexican Republic of 1824, to which we have solemnly obligated ourselves. Resolved, 2 nd • That we recommend a consultation chosen by the people. Resolved, 3 rd • That we recommend each Jurisdiction to elect five mem- bers to meet in San Felipe on the 15th of October next. Resolved, 4 th • That a committee of vigilance and safety for the _Juris- diction of Austin, be appointed to order and superintend the election for delegates of this Jurisdiction, and to correspond with the committees of the other Jurisdictions. Resolved, 5th• That the Ayuntamiento of Austin be requested to corre- spond with those p~rts of Texas which may have addressed it on th~ subject of a consultation of Texas. In pursuance of the 4th resolution the meeting th.en proceeded to the election of members of the committee of Vigilance and Safety. Where- upon Capt. Wiley Martin, Colonel William Pettus, Gail Borden, Jr., John H. Money, Randal Jones and Stephen F. Austin were unanimously elected. Resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the press at Brazoria, for publication, and to the other Jurisdictio\ls of Texas. On motion, W. B. Travis, Esq. it was
1 Clippiug from the Texas Republican..
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