The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

Gonzales Committee of Safety to ____,- September 25, 1835. Asking assistance in holding a cannon which Colonel Ugartechea demands-···-·····--··--136 Resolutions of Committee of Matagorda, September 26, 1835. Endorsing address of the San Felipe Committee of September 19. (Omitted, but sec text for sum• mary.) ___ ____ ····-·--··--·--- ·-·-··-----137 Austin to Thomas F. J\IcKinney, September 26, 1835. Reasons for favoring war. Urges union and harmony________ - --·------·-------137 L. F. Linn to W. C. Carr, St. Louis, September 28, 1835. Testimonial to Austin's character ______ ___ __ ._ _ 138 Austin to the People of Texas, September 29, 1835. Endorsing refusal of Gon• zales to surrender cannon____________ __ ---··-·-·--·-·······l39 H. Meigs to Austin, New York, September 29, 1835. United States looking to your cause with great interesL------ ----- --·--·-·- ----·-·-·- ·- ····l40 T. S. Saul to Captain Hoxie, September 29, 1835. People moving from Gonzales in expectation of war___·----·- - --·----------·-··---·-···-··-··--· 140 Austin to James F. Perry, September 30, 1'335. i\lust maintain hi11 bachelor establishment: "The formation of a government (perhaps of a nation) is to be sketched out." Order for supplies.·--·---- ---· _ ___ ·---- - ····--·.140 Matagorda Committee 1(1 Austin, September 30, 1835. Approve Austin's advice. Movements of a Mexican vessel trying to land munitions.-·-----·-·--·--··--·-··-·l42 Matagorda Committee Resolutions, September 30, 1835. Approving certain plans and recommending precautions against .a slave insurrection...·-·- - - --·- ·- --- --143 Jesse Bartlett to Gail Borden, Jr., September 30, 1835. Surveying. (Omitted.)._.144 Edward Gritten to Ira R. Lewis, Bexar, October l, 1835. Concerning demand for cannon at Gonzales. Colonists must be united lo win·--·--·····-·--·-----··--l44 J. B. Chance to Austin, October 1, 1835. Receipts. (Omitted.) ______ ____}45 Austin to A. J. Harris, October 1, 1835. Forwarding certain copies. Calling for formation of a central executive committee____ ________ .. 145 William S. Fisher to Austin, October 3, 1835. :Military movement at Gonzales._.116 Austin to the People, October 3, 1835. Showing that war in defense of con- siitutional rights is inevitable--- - --- - -··--···---------·--·-·147 Austin to James Kerr and John Alley, San Felipe, October 3, 1835. Volunteers concentrating at Gonzales. Some still re£use to believe that Cos is in Texas. Plans for campaign_ _________ ______ -- --··----152 Colonel Ugartcchea to Austin, Bexar, October 4, 1835. Urging him to use his in0uence to quiet the colonists and induce them to surrender the cannon at Gon• zales ----------· _______ _ --····-----··l53 Edward Gritten to Alcalde of Gonzales, Bexar, October 4, 1835. Introducing a courier with letters to Austin from Colonel Ugartechea -·-·-···-·---······-·--·-l56 Thomas F. McKinney lo James F. Perry, October 4, 1835. Efforts to safeguard elections to consultation,___ _ _____ ·--- _ ____157 Austin to Committees of Nacogdoches and San Augustine, October' 4, 1835. Suggesting that muskets and volunteers be obtained in the United States. Objc,;"t to drive Mexicans from Texas,____ - ---- --··- ·------·---··157 Austin to Committee of Harrisburg, October 4, 1835. A combined effort would free Texas of military despots, and the government would be unable to send other forces to Tex..,,_____ _ _ _ ____ -----·-·--158 Austin recommends establishment of Post Office Department, October 4, 1835._.159 Election return, Brazoria, October 5, 1835. Delegates to consultation _ ____J60 P. W. Grayson, et al., to Austin, Gonzales, October 6, 1835. Urging him to join the army_ _ ------ __ _ ________ _160


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