have striven hard to keep all quiet until his arrival with certain intelligence of the movements and intentions of the Mexican Govt and thanks be to God have succeeded with the exception of a few acts of the War parly, not com- promising the whole people- Now we meet on middle grounds. Strict Republican Principles-That is, to stand upon our constitutional and vested rights-reject the Cen- .tralismo Plan if offered to us and if they send a force to fight us to repell force by force- United we have nothing to fear If compelled to take arms in defence of our Republican and Natural rights, Republican institutions and prin- ciples against despotism-That Just, Holy and Omnipotent Judge who ever decides in favor of the rightious cause, will be our sword and our shield and The Texians will be as safe as the Israelites in the land of the Philis- tines With such a cause we shall Command the Sympathies of our Republican friends _in the North and of the friends of freedom throughout the World Should Santa Anna march against us with the Mexican army-the Repub- licans in the South will rise and make a diversion in our favor a Grand Dinner and Ball were got up for the occasion on two days notice in a Manner very creditable to the Committee and port-the only thing I did not like was 7$ a head for ball and supper and 30 more for a decent suit of clothes which I had not and could have done without There were 60 covers and despite the short notice the table was three times filled by men alone In the evening the long room was filled to a Jam at least 60 or 80 ladies who danced the sun up and the Oyster Creek girls would not have quit then had not the room been wanted for breakfast-you never saw such enthusiasm Mrs. Phelps is here with Almira and the two Miss Munsons, they go home today-Stephen left last night to be at S Felipe on the 12th when all the upper world is to be there, I stay to correct the proof sheets of the address and then go to St Felipe to close our land business-within a year every league will be worth 40,000$-1 will write the girls from home Perhaps in time for this Packet Fathers blessing upon his children and Sister y OUR BROTHER Say to my dear daughters I found their affectionate letters here on my return from Perrys, have had scarcely Lime to read, much less answer them. I shall get part of my crop off for N Orleans within six weeks, I order the product to you except so much as may be indispensable to my own wants, at .present I have not enough money to buy a good horse and no one sells on credit
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