a convention of all Texas by means of representatives were necessary to the security and harmony of the country- Washington, Matagorda, San Jacinto, Lavaca and other places of this department have sent in their resolutions in favor of a convention and indeed there is no opposition except in this jurisdiction and that I look upon to be of but little consequence other than the injury that it may do abroad, it can l;ave no influence in any part of Texas, for were I disposed to enter into matters personal I . could satisfy any rational man that it has been of service rather than injury, but at a time like this none should indulge in personal feeling, but on the contrary use every means to unite and harmonize- Our interest is a joint and common one and should be so regarded- The question as regards the call of a convention is settled, and all former opposition has given way except in this place and but for this and the necessity of union of sentiment and action I would not make the call upon you that I feel bound under existing circumstances- I know your policy in such cases and I acknowledge the propriety of it, therefore I must request you to attend a called meeting of this jurisdiction on the 12 th • inst. You are aware of the influence your presence will have, not that it is important to the cause in any other way than that I have before mentioned of reconciling and allaying the personal feeling that now exists, and I report again tliat it should be the object of all to throw in their mite to effect this great purpose.- We shall have a meeting of the Ayu~tamiento on Monday next and ... that body a call for a convention the meeting will probably be adjourned to the 12 th at which time I hope to have the pleasure of once more seeing you in the first american town in Texas. F. W. JoHNSON [Rubric] [Addressed:J Col. S. F. Austin Mouth of Brazos Texas
At the time it was known at San Felipe that Austin had arrived on our shores, both the war and peace party hailed the event as one which would unite the people and produce one course of action whatever that might be- They said "if Col Austin is for peace, we are for peace, if he is for war we are for Wa.r" 6 th FebY 1844. G. BORDEN.
[September 8, 1835] CoL. Au~TIN, SIR: I never saw you, or you me; but I have been ac• quainted with your character for twelve years past. I take the liberty,
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