to be entrusted with the important mission. The administration of govern- ment could be intrusted to others. But it must not be supposed that Austin withheld his aid in directing the Executive and legislative operations of the country: His opinions were asked for and sought by those departments, and the numerous communications made by him to the provisional govern- ment on every subject touching the welfare of the country prove how much the administration of affairs was indebted to his experience judgement and skill. Those acquainted with the condition of the country at the time, knew and appreciated the influence which he exerted as Secretary of State under the first organization under the constitution, and which office he accepted at the earnest solicitation•of men who were convinced of his preeminent abilities in negociating a connection with the United States which was so much desirea at the time. It should be remarked that the friends of Texas looked upon Austin as the man best qualified to bring about the annexation to the United States, a measure to which he lent all his energies and which was the occasion of his death. G. BORDEN, JR. Peach Point 7 th FebY 1844
San felipe de Austin 5 th Sept. 1835
It is with feelings inexpressible that I write you this, Your return has been long wished for, but little expecred at this time, but the God of N~ture seems to have arranged all things better than even men could have desired- Y our coming would always have been hailed by the people as the coming of a father, but your coming at this time is doubly dear to the people of all Texas-- Never was there a time in the events of Texas that so much required the joint action of the people as the present- Union of senti- ment an~ action is the one thing alone can save the country from the im- pending danger that now hangs over our heads- Unfortunately for Texas at this time as on former occasions the people have been governed by sectional feeling, they mistake an imaginary for. real interest, but I am proud to say that this interest or feeling only exists in the municipality of Austin. I have but a few·days since returned to this place from a tour through the department of Nacogdoches where the people are united and determined to sustain their constitutional rights against the usurpations attemped by Santa Anna and his party- Meetings have been held at Liberty San Augustine and Nacogdoches, at all of which places they have resolved that
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