Austin to People of Texas, September 8, 1835. Reporting conditions in Mexico, Santa Anna's determination to abolish the federal system, and necessity of con- vention in Texas to enable Texans to determine on their attitude toward the change__ ll/i Bartlett Sims to F. W. Johnson, September 9, 1835. • Land. (Omitted.).______ 121 Henry Austin to Mrs. M. A. Holley, September 10, 1835. Conservatives have been holding war party in check awaiting Austin's return. Will now know what to do ___ _______ _____ _ _____119 Austin to James F. Perry, September 11, 1835. Asking for supplies to furnish bachelor quarters --=--- _______ ____ _ _____ 121 Governor to Political •Chief of Department of the Brazos, Sa1tillo, September 12, 1835. Notifying him of extension of the colonization contracts of Bernardo Gonza1es and Vicente Filisola. (Omitted.) _ ____________________________ 121 San Felipe meeting, September 12, 1835. Resolutions on state of the country, endorsing consultation, and appointing committee of safety______________ l22 Austin to James F. Perry, September 14, 1835. Elated over prospect for union and harmony. Reasons for consultation____ -----~------- ·---1~4 Thomas G. Western to Austin, September 16, 1835. Congratulating him on return __ _ ________ _________________l2j D. C. Barrett to Austin, September 17, 1835. Opinion concerning Robertson's Colony ------------------------------- 125 J. W. Fannin, Jr., to David Mills, September 18, 1835. Plan· to attack Mexican vessel __ _ ________________________ .126 Austin to P. W. Grayson, September 19, 1835. War inevitable. The crisis developed much earlier than he expected _____________ 127 Austin to Columbia committee, September 19, 1835. Reconciliation hopeless. Advises preparation for resistance________________ .128 Austin to W. D. C. Hall, September 19, 1835. War inevitable. Suggests raising a volunteer company ____ _______ _________ 129 Austin to Columbia committee, September 21, 1835. Informing it of measures for war ___________ ___ _ _______________ 130 Austin to the People, September 21, 1835. Instructions for organization and movement ___________________________ 131 Martin Allen to James F. Allen, September 22, 1835. Suggesting a land settle- ment. Austin narrowly escaped death by accident________________ l31 Asa Brigham to James F. Perry, September 22, 1835. Calling meeting of Ayuntamiento _____________ ___ _ _______ 132 D. T. Fitchett to James F. Perry, September 22, 1835. Movement of Mexican troops ____ ______ _ _____________ 132 W. B. Travis to Austin, September 22, 1835. Wishes him to settle uncertainty about meeting place of convention. Destiny of Texas in Austin's hands___.____ 133 Committee of San Augustine to Committee of San Felipe, September 22, 1835. Favor •convention at Washington, with seven uninstructed delegates. Advise negotiations for peace with Indians__________ _ ______ 131 Eli Mercer to Austin, September 23, 1835. The people believe that Austin can manage their affairs better than they could for themselves______ .13S William P. Harris and John W. Moore to Austin, September 23, 1835. Organizing for resistance ________ _ __________________ 135 Zacharie and Company to Austin, New Orleans, September 23, 1835. Asking Austin to help collect for W. S. Parrott from Dr. James Grant. (Omitted.) ___ 136 James Whit~ide to S. H. Jack, Septembei:. 25, 1835. Concerning a draft on Austin. (Omitted.) ------------------------136 xv
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