The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



D01\UNCO DE UCARTECHEA TO ALCALDE OF COLUMBIA -[Bexar, August 29, 1835. See Calendar.]


San Felipe Sept 1 •t 1835


I received yours dated the 14 th of August 1835 I have been wating with a great deal of patience, to hear from you. I had given it out, from ever hearing from you again but to my great surpise, I received a letter from you, I have been as I concieved it negligent, for not writing you sooner but I beg to be excused, T have been busy doing some little business for the political chief and attending to other affairs that it was almost impossible for me to write you, I am in great hopes you will be more regular in writing to me, than you have been heretofore, and I will do the same, our village has been ·and is yet in such a state of confusion, that I scarcely once thought of you a few of the individuals of Columbia have come to this place and held their meeting. It was termed by several in fact numbers· that it was a Columbia meeting, and not a San Felipe meeting there were some three or four that attended it, the rest stood off and gazed on but said nothing. the principal part of the people of San Felipe are opposed to a convention or any thing resembling it after the meeting was adjourned there were some 10 or 12 perhaps more talking about politicks, and amongst the rest Wharton spoke very precipitate about Capt Bird although they were perfect strangers to each other, our Capt heard him then there were some words passed and Bird went immediately and got his rifle, and came back, and wated for a chance to single him from the rest to kill him, but was prevented by some of his friends. Bird told him he had him in his power and could use him up if he saw proper. I was informed by several that was present and saw it. give my respects to the family • Mother sends her compliments to the family and is very sorry to inform them that she is very ill and also Milam JOHN R JoNES JR [Rubric] News has arrived a few days since that there were 6 hundred troops at San Antonio I send you a copy of the resolutions that were passed at the Town of San Felipe held on the 27 th of Aug 1835 At a meeting of the citizens of the town of San Felipe d~ Austin held on the 26 th Inst at· the tavern of Johnson and Winburn, Judge Geo Ewing was called to the chair, and Spencer H Jack elected Secretary. After expressing the object of the meeting Patrick C Jack submitted to the following resolutions were adopted.

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