·provide for the appointment of a commissioner in each department of Texas. The present Governor will appoint them on application from Ayuntamien- tos, through the Political chief, or your commissioners, of this I have ample assurances. Who would be suitable men for these officers? I will venture to suggest my own opinion, of two unexceptionable men, well 'quali- fied, unconnected with Texas parties, Mr. Padilla well known as a repub- lican and an honorable man. The other my friend and colleague Edward Gritten Esq. whose good report among you, too recent, to require any remark from me. These gentlemen are both intimate friends of the acting Governor, who will only wish to know that they w_ill be approved of in Texas, when he will promptly appoint them, for the two departments, I am but one in the matter, shall therefore leave the subject to the People. It may be proper to add, that Mr. Padilla I have consulted, Mr. Gritten I have not. Mr. Padilla is too honest to ·be rich, and too poor to support himself and family, without some productive employment,-and as he wishes some pretext to take himself and family to Texas forever, he will if• the people approve gladly accept the office. He desires his best respects to the people of Mina generally, and especially his gratitude to Capt. Sims and Capt. Moore for past acts of friendship. I am happy to be sustained in my opinion by the highest legal authorities in the country, that the law intending to affect the contracts of Robinson or Williamson, in the settlemant of their colonies, is ineffectual in its operation For the sake of my good old friend Col Chambers I rejoice that I am able to give this statement.... D C BARRETT [Rubric] San Antonio 28th 1835. P. S. It is said that a plan for the consti[tu]tion of a central Government has been got up, and is now debating. Should any thing certain be made known, you will be apprised of it as speedily as possibJe
JOHN DIX TO JAMES F. PERRY [Coles's Settlement, August 28, 1835. See Calendar.]
To THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS. Arriving this day from Monterray the capitol of the state of of New Leon, which place I left' on the 10th inst. and being requested by the Chairman of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence for the juris• diction of Columbia, to detail the information which I possess in regard to the designs of the Mexican Government towards the people of Texas, I make the following communication, for the truth of which I stake my reputation, and appeal to time to establish every fact herein stated: I left
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