The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



[From the Williams Papers. Rosenberg Library," Galveston, Texas.]

New Orl~ans Augt· 22, 1835

H. MEIGS E.sQL Tht. Sm. This will be handed to you by my friend Mr. Samuel M. Williams. Mr. W. has been \\ith me in Texas since 1823. he was the secretary who has done most of the business in my colonizing operations, and is well acquainted ";th my affairs, and with the situation of things in Texas, as he has recently left there- He goes to the north on business of his own, but at the same time \\ill contribute anything in his power for the gen•· good of that country, and will take charge of any communications you may wish to send to me I solicit for him your friendly attention, and an introduction to your brother in law [John Forsyth). Texas is improving very fast, and there is e.ery prospect of a great emigration from the Western and Southern States this fall and \\inter- I hope my native state "Old Virginia" will abo contribute some of her sons- The N. York land companies will of course not be idle so that I hope there will be a very great increase of ~pulation this fall and winter. S. F. AUSTIN [Rubric] [Addres;ed:] Mr. H. Meigs introducing Mr. S. M. Williams- ff. Meigs E...~r New York Mr S. M. Williams


[From the Williams Papers. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas.]

New Orleans Augt. 22d 1835 Since yoo left I have heard, by way of Natchitoches, that matters are getting 00 pritty well, in our country, considerable excitement tho. not more than rni~ht be reasonably expected under the circumstances of the times- En~-thing depends on a great emigration this fall and winter- rem-rnber this-- The New York folks hnve much nt stake, and ought to exert ~ves to send out families without delay- their best plan is to send an agent,, or to operate by means of influential men in the Western (:oantry- Tbe plan of sending out irish or german rcdemtioners is a bad ~ ,rill not do-- you know the kind of settlers needed in Tr:xas-- We nttd efficient and active and intelligent men who will take dl,aracter and means to the country- Much, and pcd,aps all, may depend 00 the- emi:aation this fall and winter- • -

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