The Austin Papers, Vol. 3


M'.u*· '"" IL l.13Wtti, »~•" M~-1ij

'~m !lf!ilill In this 11li:ii11111 11111·1 l'Clf'Y llll'ISi1m~ Iii -~ ~ ~,~.•·; 1-·:; ..:·:u·..-;r cr-~:-f; Ze. I llm l11tl'fl for 11111 p11q1f1::;l1 of llfK illliziu~ llu! ( ',111u 1, t-JM ,-J ::.1;--; -~-.:::iD.:::? ilie 'M'm1i,:lp" lity of C1111i11liii in 11111 11ppr11;wl,in~ 1:o,m 1 ~- ~ w:::i·,..~1:-~ ::;: ~ .I': Olli-f. OM t;jpl, Mortin 1111d 111yli11lf l111v11 1:11m1! ,1pp;u-1-:1id:: rt,() i 1 ~-.,·;,-:i -.:x:lt"r:;tznd- i,~ ljllJI h11 will ,;upp11rl 11111 1:n11rt. I fll;ill 1iro1•1•1•1l in 11 11hol'I 1111111 lo N111:ogdr,d~% f-;;· -t__:_.2: sa::::ie ?lllP~ ~ to '!!lid tho WIii' Jlilrly. Tl111y toll /nl! r()u. h.w, 1:: ~ -;:-;.:J "..:.V:' :,,·.ar ~{hoop; is iJ ~ Come\ now lie q11ic1, l wish to liwenr iu llw ollicers hcfore I l.eavP. h.<:r-:. P]:::a?- ,:r."nd .:J? my· tro11ks, l,ooks, etc. hy the fin1t opportunity, as I _sh,ajj J <::':::: tb':'.rn. Plea..;e present my kindest rcmcmbrnnccs lo· Mrs. Lev.-ie, a...d !o ::!Y lli:tJe ~eet hearts. Oh! how much older I have grown. T. JEFFEBS01' (3£\G;;::RS [Rubric] [Addressed:] Majr-Ira R. Lewis Matagorda

GENERAL Cos TO AYUNTAMIE~To OF CoLP\iBL~ [Matamoras, August 1, 1835. See Calendar.=


San f elipe 3:-0- August 1835

MAJoR IRA R. LEw1s EsQR MY DEAR SIR, I came on Saturday the first inst-but did not know in what capacity-I thought probably to a convention of all Te."!i:as or, at least to a council of all the department of Bras.sos-but it turned out to be in consequence of the order of His Honor James B. Miller etc.- 4 :Munici- palities was represented, and 3 was not-It turned out as-friend Fisher predicted-nothing-and so much the better for us-but we felt our5elves unauthorised to do anything ( even recomme11datory) because there was not· a full representation-The Honb 1 Acting Chief [Wily Martin] Informed us that Doctr Miller had not informed him of any reasons he had for call- ing the council etc, that Commissioners lMessrs Gritton and Barrett) 2 had been sent lo sec Gcn 1• Cos-In order to explain through him 1 For elucidation of 1hi8 lcllcr 01111 other mu:tcn; prt.'\.'.t'ding the Texas re,•olution Stt an article hy tl11: 1!di1or, "Orgnnizution of thti Tcxru, Rcv,~lution,"' in Publications of Southern lfatory AB~ocinllon, V, 1 1.51-476. :on Barrett nnd Grillcn 8ro nr1iclc~ hy 1ho c1litor, Q11artaly 1,f Texas State Historical A~ociation, Xlll, 145-152, anti So11t/11111•Mm1 llistorical Quarterly, X..'X, 139-145.

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