The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



will be with others whether Texas will submit to any form of Government other than that of Republican, let us be prepared to take a firm stand, and never degrade those principals which we inherited from our fore- fathers,- ls the Political Chieff doing anything towards effecting our grand ob- jects?- I would suggest to you the propriety of placing the post office in hands that can be relied on as soon as practicable; you will please keep a copy of all (if any) official communications that, in the name of this body should issue from you, that they can be filed in the archives of this Ayuntamiento. I have no news that will either be interesting or beneficial to you to communicate. I am in hopes of hearing from you again soon.- Rumor says that Judge Andrews received a letter from N. Y. which informs that Col. Morgan has conversed with Col. Butler who says that San Anna ,intends lo put Texas under a military Government, and will appoint D. G. Burnet Governor;- rumord further more that Gen 1• Coss has issued another proclamation the purport of it amounts to the information received from Criton [Gritten], also the 600 Baris. of Flour has been reduced to 4 wagon loads;- A. BRIGHAM Messrs J. A. Wharton, J. F Perry, J H Bell, Sterlng McNeel, Jas. Knight, Committee, San Felipe. [Addressed~] To the Hon. Committee from the Jurisdiction of Colum- bia San. Felipe Politeness of Mr. Eaton.


Bee Bayou July the 22 1835

MR. BORDEN SIR I would Inform you that I am an applicant for Land; through Andr L. Phinney as he Is to Clear the same out of the Office for the half, I was born in Virginia emigrated last from Tennessee landed In Matagorda in march 1832 about 25 years of age my wife •was born in Kentucky 1 The historical significance of thii: document is in the concrete information which it gives of the successive migrations of the writer. Much study has convinced the editor that this was a typical experience. See Barker, The Life of Stephen Austin, 149-150.

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