Edward Gritten to Colonel Ugartechea, Gonzales, July 7, 1835. Sending resolu- tions of Columbia disapproving the attack on Anahuac. Desire for peace____ 84 Edward Gritten to Colonel Ugartechea, Gonzales, July 9, 1835. People peace- fully disposed and regaining tranquility, but would not submit to occupation of Texas by more troops than needed to guard custom houses and repel Indians. Would rather do this work themselves·--··-··---·--··---···-······- --- 85 Thomas M. Blake to Gail Borden, Jr., July 10, 1835. Land. Has been in Texas five years. (Omitted.)_··-···-····--·--·-·-··----- - ----··--·--·-- 87 Edward Gritten to Colonel Ugartechea, Gonzales, July 11, 1835. Party left San Felipe to· attack Anahuac. All parties seem to be uniting on call of a convention ·····----·-····----- -------- ---·-··----- ·---·--··-- ?,7 Austin's passport, July 11, 1835. To leave Mexico and go to Texas by most convenient route -········--··-·- ····-·-···················-··-····-·--·-··-·-··--·--··--··-·-·--·· nn Martin Perfecto de Cos to Ayuntamicntos of Texas, July 12, 1835. Irresponsible men are stimulating discord in Texas. Purpose of sending troops to Texas: to maintain order and establish the custom houses. (Omitted.)·-·--··--···-·- --- 89 Daniel Ayers to Gail Borden, Jr., July 12, 1835. Land. (Omitted.) ..·-·----·- 89 H. J. Offutt to Austin, Mexico, July 12, 1835. Transmitting by Austin money for payment on Texas land,;. (Omitted.) ..•·-···-··--··- ·- ····-·-·- ······- •·-·---·-·- 89 Austin in account with Washington Hotel, Mexico, July 12, 1835.----·--·- - 89 Austin to James F. Perr)", Mexico, July 13, 1835. Leaving next week by Vera Cruz or Tampico. Tranquillity in Mexico.____ _______ -·-90 Edward Gritten to Colonel Ugartechea, San Felipe, July 17, 1835. Great desire for peace, but invasion will be the signal for union of all Texans. Nothing needed to restore tranquillity but to refrain from bringing in troops·-·····----·-··---91 John Y. Wallace to Gail Borden, Jr., July 18, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)-·- - - 91 Asa Brigham to J. A. Wharton, ct al., July 19, 1835. Strong for federal form of government but wants no war with Mexico·-··--·-··-··--····----------·-······-··---92 S. Dooley to Gail Borden, Jr., July 22, 1835. Land---··--- _ _ _ 93 Daniel Ayers to Gail Borden, Jr., July 22, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)··----·--·- 94 Isham Philips to Gail Borden, Jr., July 23, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)·-··-·-·- -· 94 Court martial of Tomas Garcia for desertion, July 20, 1835. (Omitted.) _..____ 94 Sub.contractors of Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company to Santa Anna, New York, July 25, 1835. Petition for extension of contract to settle 1200 families. (Omitted, but see text for summary.) ..·-·--·--·-----·- --····---·--····----··-- 9·1 Charles Messer to Gail Borden, Jr., July 27, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)····-·--· 94 Jefferson George to Gail Borden, Jr., July 27, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)··--··--· 94 Asa Brigham to James F. Perry, July 29, 1835. Instructions as member of Ayuntamiento of Columbia. (Omitted.)-···-···---··---··-·-- -····-·-·····-····--·-·-- 91 W. B. Travis to Ugartechea, San Felipe, July 31, 1835. Apology for attack on Anahuac ···-·--····--·--- - ·-··-·-··-·-··-·-·-····----·-··---··---····--··------··- 95 Thomas Jefferson Chambers to Ira R. Lewis, July 31, 1835. Judiciary. Quiet• ing the war party....••····- ·-····-----··--·-··--·-·-----··-·····- ··-- :..--..- -- 96 General Martin Perfecto de Cos to Ayuntamiento of Columbia. Matamoras August 1, 1835. Asks surrender of Travis for attack on Anahuac. (Omitted.) __ 96 James Kerr to Ira R. Lewis, August 3, 1835. Describing action of a meeting at San Felipe and plans for restoration of tranquility__.. - -------'- 96 Edward Gritten to James F. Perry, Bexar, August 4, 1835. Assuring him of Austin's welfare ··-··---····-···-·-··-·--····--·-·······--·-···-·--···---·-·---··--97 J. H. Money ot Gail Borden, Jr., August 6, 1835. Land for John J. White• sides. (Omitted.) _ ..:____ ___··-··-··--·- ·- - ---- - - - ---- 97
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