The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



March2 4 6

" l gs 1/ (3) 1 gs. l Dot Ale 3/...·-··········-···········- ······--- · " l gs 1/ 1 Bot ale 3/.•.·- ····························-·············-·-·-·· ·-: " l gs 1/ (9) 1 gs (10) 11 <ii 1 /.......... ·······-············- · -···

5 4

12 15 "3 " l gs 1/ (13) 1 gs 1/ l Ale 3/..................••············-····- - - "5 " l gs 1/. l Bot Ale 3/..·- ···- ··························-····-·- ·· -·····- "4 16 " l Bot Ale 3/ (18) l Bot Ale 3/...·-··- ····-···---------- "5


To Amt Carried over______ _ ____$63,l½ 1835 To Amount Brot over------·- ······-······-····-···-··-·-------·- S63, Ph Mar 20 To l Bot Ale 3/ (21) l Bot Wine 10/·--····---·-·-~ 1.5 • 22 " l gs bitters 1/ writing paper l [.··- ····--··---·---·-- 2 23 " l Bot Ale 3/ l gs h1andy 1/_···---·· ______ 4 24 " l gs 1/ l nights Lodging 25th Deer 6½.·-·--···- -·-··- 7½ 25 " l gs 1/ (27) l gs 1/ (30} l gs l/.·- ··-·- ---·--·-·- 3 " " Boarding and Lodging from 26th Deer 1834 to March " " 31 st 1835, inclussive is 13 weeks 200 4½ S204 2 " " 5 days @ $14,5 ----·-····--··--267 3½

Apl 2 " 2 days board and L $4.1/- (4) 1 din 8/_ _ . .. 1835 Jany 13 By Cash on a/c $10_______

51½ S2i2, 5½

----·- 10

To Bal due W H- ----··- - -·-- - -S262, 5 The above was paid by my obligation to pay il to J. B. Chance and some more that Offutt deliverd to me making in all three hundred and four dollars 50•100 12 July 1835 S. F. A.


Mexico July 13 1835

DEAR BROTHER, I expect to leave here for home this week by way of Vera Cruz or Tampico unless I meet with company going by land in which event I would go that way, as the fever is generally bad on Lhe coast and in New Orleans so late in the summer. Eve·rylhing is tranq·uil in this part of the country- Congress is to meet in extra session on the 19 of this month- There seems to be no doubt that the system of Govt will be changed from·federal to central, tho it prob- ably will be some monlhs before the new conslitution can be framed and published . There are many reports and falsehoods circulated here about Texas. I believe that the most of them originate with persons who wish the Govt. to send the most of the army there, so as to leave an open field for revolu- tion here, in the absence of the army This has been a very hard trip ·upon me, but I anticipate a quiet life with you when I get home

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