The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 89 Visado por este Consulado para pasar a Brazoria en la Goleta Ameri- cana Sn Felipe Capitan Hurd. Nue\'a Orleans, Agosto 22 de 1835. FRAN° PIZARRO MARTINEZ [Rubric] [On Back:] Passport. Mexico, 11.lh July 1835. [Col. Stephen F. Austin.]

Cos TO AYUNTAMIENTos OF TEXAS [Matamoras, July 12, 1835. See Calendar:)

DANIEL AYERS TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [Montville, July 12, 1835. Concerning field notes.]

H. J. OFFUTT TO AUSTIN [Mexico, July 12, 1835. See Calendar.]


Col. Stephen F Austin

To Washington Hotel .... Dr.


Deer 27 To l Bot Wine IO/ [reales) (28) I Bot Wine 10/_____ ____ 2.4 Jany 2 " l Bot Ale 3/ (3) l Gin King 2/________ 5 3 " l Bot Ale 3/ (7) I gs. l/___________ "4 8 " l gs. qt Gin 1/ I Bot Ale 3/ ___________ "4 IO " I Bot Ale 3/ (ll) l Bot Ale 3/_________ 6 12 " I gs. Gin 1/ (14) 1 Bot Ale 3/_________ "4 15 " I qt ~s l/ I Bot Wine 10/--···--- ------- ··- 1.3 15 " I dinner for Padre Muldoon_______ _____ ·--- 1 25 " pd postage qf a letter 3/ -~------ . "3 25 " l Bot Ale 3/ (27) l gs Wine Sangre 2/______ "5 • 25 " I gs Brandy 1/ ------·---------- ------- I 28 " I Extra dinner 8/ I Bot Wine 10/ _ _______ 2.2 28 " Amt. of Mr. Graysons a/c_____________ 39.6½ Feby 3 " l gs brandy 1/ (6) l Bot Wine 10/_________ l.3 6 " I gs. Gin 1/ (7) l gs brandy }/___ ______ 2 9 " I gs brandy 1/ (II) 2 gs do 2/___ ------ "3 12 " Cash lent 52, I gs 1/_ _____ ----- 2.1 16 " I gs 1/ (17) l gs 1/ l Bot Wine 10/_ _ _ _ _ l.4 18 " 2 gs brandy 2/ (20) I gs 1/ Ale 3/ _ _ ___ 6 21 " 2 gs 2/ (23) I gs 1/ I Ale 3/__ -----6 23 " I Extra dinner 8/ (24) I gs l/________ 1.1 26 " I gs 1/ I Bot Ale 3/______--------·····--- 4 28 " l gs 1/ ____ ___ - -- --------- I 23 " I Extra dinner 8/ (24) l gs l/ __ ------ 1.1



1 This was the hotel, managed by H. J. Offutt, in Mexico City, at which Austin stayed after his release on bail in December, 1834, until his departure for Texas, in July, 1835.

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