los habitantes de este pais, todo se puede allanar mediante medidas con- ciliadores una francs manifestacion de las intenciones del Govierno con respecto a Texas y abstenerse de mandar Tropas. Es copia Bexar 7 de Julio de 1835.
Punto Lampasos, July 5, 1835.
DEAR JOHNSON, I hope you spent the 4 th July pleasantly with your friends who feel some reverence for the day. As to myse~f, I can not say I enjoyed it. .I got a bottle of vino muscale and drank to the Federal Constitution in all parts of America. I had no countrymen to join me or perhaps I should have done better. We left Monclova on the 29 of May, and were taken prisoners on the 5 th • of June, at night, after we had encamped about eight leagues northwest ·of San Fernando. The troops had been viewing our march for the last day, and knew the only chance we had for water and placed themselves in a situation to take possession of our horses as soon as it was dusk. In this situation we were obliged to surrender to twenty five men-or savages as we may more properly call them. Capt Galan and Liut: Roderi guiz [Rod- riguez] commanded the party. They will be long remembered by your humble servant. We were taken to San F~rnando and kept in close confinement for one week-not permitted to write or speak t~ any person except in the presence of an officer, and then but in the Spanish language. From there we were taken to Rio Grande, where we were treated something better by Capt Barigan from Rio Grande to this place. At present we are under the charge of Col: Altapa, who is a gentleman and an officer, and gives every indulgence we ask fqr. From here we expect to be sent to Monterey to stand our trial, and I hope to be set at liberty. But all is uncertainty. The whole of this part of the state has and will support the Central Government. The Interior from the last information we have, has fallen into the Central system, Santanna is Dictator-the Constitution is thrown away and ridiculed by those who used to call themselves Federal Repub- licans. • Th~ plan for the dissolution and destruction is laid, and every prepara- tion is making for its execution. In the last ten days two hundred troops have left this quarter for San Antonio; and from the best information I .can collect two thousand more will be on their march in a few weeks. Their intention is to gain the friendship of the different tribes of Indians; 'Copy by Mrs. Mary Austin Holley.
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